# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
# @Time : 2020/8/21
# @Author : Kaizhou Zhang
# @Email : kaizhou361@163.com
# @Time : 2020/08/31 2020/09/18
# @Author : Kaiyuan Li Zihan Lin
# @email : tsotfsk@outlook.com linzihan.super@foxmail.con
Hong-Jian Xue et al. "Deep Matrix Factorization Models for Recommender Systems." in IJCAI 2017.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import normal_
from recbole.utils import InputType
from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import GeneralRecommender
from recbole.model.layers import MLPLayers
[docs]class DMF(GeneralRecommender):
r"""DMF is an neural network enhanced matrix factorization model.
The original interaction matrix of :math:`n_{users} \times n_{items}` is set as model input,
we carefully design the data interface and use sparse tensor to train and test efficiently.
We just implement the model following the original author with a pointwise training mode.
Our implementation is a improved version which is different from the original paper.
For a better performance and stability, we replace cosine similarity to inner-product when calculate
final score of user's and item's embedding.
input_type = InputType.POINTWISE
def __init__(self, config, dataset):
super(DMF, self).__init__(config, dataset)
# load dataset info
self.LABEL = config['LABEL_FIELD']
self.RATING = config['RATING_FIELD']
# load parameters info
self.user_embedding_size = config['user_embedding_size']
self.item_embedding_size = config['item_embedding_size']
self.user_hidden_size_list = config['user_hidden_size_list']
self.item_hidden_size_list = config['item_hidden_size_list']
# The dimensions of the last layer of users and items must be the same
assert self.user_hidden_size_list[-1] == self.item_hidden_size_list[-1]
self.inter_matrix_type = config['inter_matrix_type']
# generate intermediate data
if self.inter_matrix_type == '01':
self.history_user_id, self.history_user_value, _ = dataset.history_user_matrix()
self.history_item_id, self.history_item_value, _ = dataset.history_item_matrix()
self.interaction_matrix = dataset.inter_matrix(form='csr').astype(np.float32)
elif self.inter_matrix_type == 'rating':
self.history_user_id, self.history_user_value, _ = dataset.history_user_matrix(value_field=self.RATING)
self.history_item_id, self.history_item_value, _ = dataset.history_item_matrix(value_field=self.RATING)
self.interaction_matrix = dataset.inter_matrix(form='csr', value_field=self.RATING).astype(np.float32)
raise ValueError("The inter_matrix_type must in ['01', 'rating'] but get {}".format(self.inter_matrix_type))
self.max_rating = self.history_user_value.max()
# tensor of shape [n_items, H] where H is max length of history interaction.
self.history_user_id = self.history_user_id.to(self.device)
self.history_user_value = self.history_user_value.to(self.device)
self.history_item_id = self.history_item_id.to(self.device)
self.history_item_value = self.history_item_value.to(self.device)
# define layers
self.user_linear = nn.Linear(in_features=self.n_items, out_features=self.user_embedding_size, bias=False)
self.item_linear = nn.Linear(in_features=self.n_users, out_features=self.item_embedding_size, bias=False)
self.user_fc_layers = MLPLayers([self.user_embedding_size] + self.user_hidden_size_list)
self.item_fc_layers = MLPLayers([self.item_embedding_size] + self.item_hidden_size_list)
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
self.bce_loss = nn.BCELoss()
# Save the item embedding before dot product layer to speed up evaluation
self.i_embedding = None
# parameters initialization
def _init_weights(self, module):
# We just initialize the module with normal distribution as the paper said
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
normal_(module.weight.data, 0, 0.01)
if module.bias is not None:
elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
normal_(module.weight.data, 0, 0.01)
[docs] def forward(self, user, item):
user = self.get_user_embedding(user)
# Following lines construct tensor of shape [B,n_users] using the tensor of shape [B,H]
col_indices = self.history_user_id[item].flatten()
row_indices = torch.arange(item.shape[0]).to(self.device).repeat_interleave(self.history_user_id.shape[1], dim=0)
matrix_01 = torch.zeros(1).to(self.device).repeat(item.shape[0], self.n_users)
matrix_01.index_put_((row_indices, col_indices), self.history_user_value[item].flatten())
item = self.item_linear(matrix_01)
user = self.user_fc_layers(user)
item = self.item_fc_layers(item)
# cosine distance is replaced by dot product according the result of our experiments.
vector = torch.mul(user, item).sum(dim=1)
vector = self.sigmoid(vector)
return vector
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction):
# when starting a new epoch, the item embedding we saved must be cleared.
if self.training:
self.i_embedding = None
user = interaction[self.USER_ID]
item = interaction[self.ITEM_ID]
if self.inter_matrix_type == '01':
label = interaction[self.LABEL]
elif self.inter_matrix_type == 'rating':
label = interaction[self.RATING] * interaction[self.LABEL]
output = self.forward(user, item)
label = label / self.max_rating # normalize the label to calculate BCE loss.
loss = self.bce_loss(output, label)
return loss
[docs] def predict(self, interaction):
user = interaction[self.USER_ID]
item = interaction[self.ITEM_ID]
return self.forward(user, item)
[docs] def get_user_embedding(self, user):
r"""Get a batch of user's embedding with the user's id and history interaction matrix.
user (torch.LongTensor): The input tensor that contains user's id, shape: [batch_size, ]
torch.FloatTensor: The embedding tensor of a batch of user, shape: [batch_size, embedding_size]
# Following lines construct tensor of shape [B,n_items] using the tensor of shape [B,H]
col_indices = self.history_item_id[user].flatten()
row_indices = torch.arange(user.shape[0]).to(self.device).repeat_interleave(self.history_item_id.shape[1],
matrix_01 = torch.zeros(1).to(self.device).repeat(user.shape[0], self.n_items)
matrix_01.index_put_((row_indices, col_indices), self.history_item_value[user].flatten())
user = self.user_linear(matrix_01)
return user
[docs] def get_item_embedding(self):
r"""Get all item's embedding with history interaction matrix.
Considering the RAM of device, we use matrix multiply on sparse tensor for generalization.
torch.FloatTensor: The embedding tensor of all item, shape: [n_items, embedding_size]
interaction_matrix = self.interaction_matrix.tocoo()
row = interaction_matrix.row
col = interaction_matrix.col
i = torch.LongTensor([row, col])
data = torch.FloatTensor(interaction_matrix.data)
item_matrix = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, data, torch.Size(interaction_matrix.shape)).to(self.device).transpose(0, 1)
item = torch.sparse.mm(item_matrix, self.item_linear.weight.t())
item = self.item_fc_layers(item)
return item
[docs] def full_sort_predict(self, interaction):
user = interaction[self.USER_ID]
u_embedding = self.get_user_embedding(user)
u_embedding = self.user_fc_layers(u_embedding)
if self.i_embedding is None:
self.i_embedding = self.get_item_embedding()
similarity = torch.mm(u_embedding, self.i_embedding.t())
similarity = self.sigmoid(similarity)
return similarity.view(-1)