Install RecBole

RecBole can be installed from conda, pip and source files.

System requirements

RecBole is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Linux

  • Windows 10

  • macOS X

Python 3.6 (or later), torch 1.6.0 (or later) are required to install our library. If you want to use RecBole with GPU, please ensure that CUDA or CUDAToolkit version is 9.2 or later. This requires NVIDIA driver version >= 396.26 (for Linux) or >= 397.44 (for Windows10).

Install from conda

Conda can be installed from miniconda or the full anaconda. If you are in China, Tsinghua Mirrors is recommended.

After installing conda, run conda create -n recbole python=3.6 to create the Python 3.6 conda environment. Then the environment can be activated by conda activate recbole. At last, run the following command to install RecBole:

conda install -c aibox recbole

Install from pip

To install RecBole from pip, only the following command is needed:

pip install recbole

Install from source

Download the source files from GitHub.

git clone && cd RecBole

Run the following command to install:

pip install -e . --verbose