Source code for recbole.model.context_aware_recommender.xdeepfm

# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
# @Time : 2020/10/13
# @Author : Zhichao Feng
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/10/21
# @Author : Zhichao Feng
# @email  :

    Jianxun Lian at al. "xDeepFM: Combining Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions for Recommender Systems."
    in SIGKDD 2018.

Reference code:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import xavier_normal_, constant_
from logging import getLogger

from recbole.model.layers import MLPLayers, activation_layer
from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import ContextRecommender

[docs]class xDeepFM(ContextRecommender): """xDeepFM combines a CIN (Compressed Interaction Network) with a classical DNN. The model is able to learn certain bounded-degree feature interactions explicitly; Besides, it can also learn arbitrary low- and high-order feature interactions implicitly. """ def __init__(self, config, dataset): super(xDeepFM, self).__init__(config, dataset) # load parameters info self.mlp_hidden_size = config['mlp_hidden_size'] self.reg_weight = config['reg_weight'] self.dropout_prob = config['dropout_prob'] = config['direct'] self.cin_layer_size = temp_cin_size = list(config['cin_layer_size']) # Check whether the size of the CIN layer is legal. if not self.cin_layer_size = list(map(lambda x: int(x // 2 * 2), temp_cin_size)) if self.cin_layer_size[:-1] != temp_cin_size[:-1]: logger = getLogger() logger.warning('Layer size of CIN should be even except for the last layer when direct is True.' 'It is changed to {}'.format(self.cin_layer_size)) # Create a convolutional layer for each CIN layer self.conv1d_list = [] self.field_nums = [self.num_feature_field] for i, layer_size in enumerate(self.cin_layer_size): conv1d = nn.Conv1d(self.field_nums[-1] * self.field_nums[0], layer_size, 1).to(self.device) self.conv1d_list.append(conv1d) if self.field_nums.append(layer_size) else: self.field_nums.append(layer_size // 2) # Create MLP layer size_list = [self.embedding_size * self.num_feature_field ] + self.mlp_hidden_size + [1] self.mlp_layers = MLPLayers(size_list, dropout=self.dropout_prob) # Get the output size of CIN if self.final_len = sum(self.cin_layer_size) else: self.final_len = sum(self.cin_layer_size[:-1]) // 2 + self.cin_layer_size[-1] self.cin_linear = nn.Linear(self.final_len, 1, bias=False) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() self.loss = nn.BCELoss() self.apply(self._init_weights) def _init_weights(self, module): if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): xavier_normal_( elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear): xavier_normal_( if module.bias is not None: constant_(, 0)
[docs] def reg_loss(self, parameters): """Calculate the L2 normalization loss of parameters in a certain layer. Returns: loss(torch.FloatTensor): The L2 Loss tensor. shape of [1,] """ reg_loss = 0 for name, parm in parameters: if name.endswith('weight'): reg_loss = reg_loss + parm.norm(2) return reg_loss
[docs] def calculate_reg_loss(self): """Calculate the final L2 normalization loss of model parameters. Including weight matrixes of mlp layers, linear layer and convolutional layers. Returns: loss(torch.FloatTensor): The L2 Loss tensor. shape of [1,] """ l2_reg = 0 l2_reg = l2_reg + self.reg_loss(self.mlp_layers.named_parameters()) l2_reg = l2_reg + self.reg_loss(self.first_order_linear.named_parameters()) for conv1d in self.conv1d_list: l2_reg += self.reg_loss(conv1d.named_parameters()) return l2_reg
[docs] def compressed_interaction_network(self, input_features, activation='identity'): r"""For k-th CIN layer, the output :math:`X_k` is calculated via .. math:: x_{h,*}^{k} = \sum_{i=1}^{H_k-1} \sum_{j=1}^{m}W_{i,j}^{k,h}(X_{i,*}^{k-1} \circ x_{j,*}^0) :math:`H_k` donates the number of feature vectors in the k-th layer, :math:`1 \le h \le H_k`. :math:`\circ` donates the Hadamard product. And Then, We apply sum pooling on each feature map of the hidden layer. Finally, All pooling vectors from hidden layers are concatenated. Args: input_features(torch.Tensor): [batch_size, field_num, embed_dim]. Embedding vectors of all features. activation(str): name of activation function. Returns: torch.Tensor: [batch_size, num_feature_field * embedding_size]. output of CIN layer. """ batch_size, _, embedding_size = input_features.shape hidden_nn_layers = [input_features] final_result = [] for i, layer_size in enumerate(self.cin_layer_size): z_i = torch.einsum('bmd,bhd->bhmd', hidden_nn_layers[0], hidden_nn_layers[-1]) z_i = z_i.view(batch_size, self.field_nums[0] * self.field_nums[i], embedding_size) z_i = self.conv1d_list[i](z_i) # Pass the CIN intermediate result through the activation function. if activation.lower() == 'identity': output = z_i else: activate_func = activation_layer(activation) if activate_func is None: output = z_i else: output = activate_func(z_i) # Get the output of the hidden layer. if direct_connect = output next_hidden = output else: if i != len(self.cin_layer_size) - 1: next_hidden, direct_connect = torch.split( output, 2 * [layer_size // 2], 1) else: direct_connect = output next_hidden = 0 final_result.append(direct_connect) hidden_nn_layers.append(next_hidden) result =, dim=1) result = torch.sum(result, -1) return result
[docs] def forward(self, interaction): sparse_embedding, dense_embedding = self.embed_input_fields(interaction) all_embeddings = [] if sparse_embedding is not None: all_embeddings.append(sparse_embedding) if dense_embedding is not None and len(dense_embedding.shape) == 3: all_embeddings.append(dense_embedding) # Get the output of CIN. xdeepfm_input =, dim=1) # [batch_size, num_field, embed_dim] cin_output = self.compressed_interaction_network(xdeepfm_input) cin_output = self.cin_linear(cin_output) # Get the output of MLP layer. batch_size = xdeepfm_input.shape[0] dnn_output = self.mlp_layers(xdeepfm_input.view(batch_size, -1)) # Get predicted score. y_p = self.first_order_linear(interaction) + cin_output + dnn_output y = self.sigmoid(y_p) return y.squeeze(1)
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction): label = interaction[self.LABEL] output = self.forward(interaction) l2_reg = self.calculate_reg_loss() return self.loss(output, label) + self.reg_weight * l2_reg
[docs] def predict(self, interaction): return self.forward(interaction)