Source code for

# @Time   : 2020/7/7
# @Author : Yupeng Hou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/9/9, 2020/9/17
# @Author : Yupeng Hou, Yushuo Chen
# @email  :,


from import AbstractDataLoader
from recbole.utils import DataLoaderType, EvaluatorType, FeatureSource, FeatureType, InputType

[docs]class NegSampleMixin(AbstractDataLoader): """:class:`NegSampleMixin` is a abstract class, all dataloaders that need negative sampling should inherit this class. This class provides some necessary parameters and method for negative sampling, such as :attr:`neg_sample_args` and :meth:`_neg_sampling()` and so on. Args: config (Config): The config of dataloader. dataset (Dataset): The dataset of dataloader. sampler (Sampler): The sampler of dataloader. neg_sample_args (dict): The neg_sample_args of dataloader. batch_size (int, optional): The batch_size of dataloader. Defaults to ``1``. dl_format (InputType, optional): The input type of dataloader. Defaults to :obj:`~recbole.utils.InputType.POINTWISE`. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether the dataloader will be shuffle after a round. Defaults to ``False``. """ dl_type = DataLoaderType.NEGSAMPLE def __init__(self, config, dataset, sampler, neg_sample_args, batch_size=1, dl_format=InputType.POINTWISE, shuffle=False): if neg_sample_args['strategy'] not in ['by', 'full']: raise ValueError('neg_sample strategy [{}] has not been implemented'.format(neg_sample_args['strategy'])) self.sampler = sampler self.neg_sample_args = neg_sample_args super().__init__(config, dataset, batch_size=batch_size, dl_format=dl_format, shuffle=shuffle)
[docs] def setup(self): """Do batch size adaptation. """ self._batch_size_adaptation()
[docs] def data_preprocess(self): """Do neg-sampling before training/evaluation. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [data_preprocess] should be implemented.')
def _batch_size_adaptation(self): """Adjust the batch size to ensure that each positive and negative interaction can be in a batch. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [batch_size_adaptation] should be implemented.') def _neg_sampling(self, inter_feat): """ Args: inter_feat: The origin user-item interaction table. Returns: The user-item interaction table with negative example. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [neg_sampling] should be implemented.')
[docs] def get_pos_len_list(self): """ Returns: np.ndarray or list: Number of positive item for each user in a training/evaluating epoch. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [get_pos_len_list] should be implemented.')
[docs]class NegSampleByMixin(NegSampleMixin): """:class:`NegSampleByMixin` is an abstract class which can sample negative examples by ratio. It has two neg-sampling method, the one is 1-by-1 neg-sampling (pair wise), and the other is 1-by-multi neg-sampling (point wise). Args: config (Config): The config of dataloader. dataset (Dataset): The dataset of dataloader. sampler (Sampler): The sampler of dataloader. neg_sample_args (dict): The neg_sample_args of dataloader. batch_size (int, optional): The batch_size of dataloader. Defaults to ``1``. dl_format (InputType, optional): The input type of dataloader. Defaults to :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.InputType.POINTWISE`. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether the dataloader will be shuffle after a round. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__(self, config, dataset, sampler, neg_sample_args, batch_size=1, dl_format=InputType.POINTWISE, shuffle=False): if neg_sample_args['strategy'] != 'by': raise ValueError('neg_sample strategy in GeneralInteractionBasedDataLoader() should be `by`') if dl_format == InputType.PAIRWISE and neg_sample_args['by'] != 1: raise ValueError('Pairwise dataloader can only neg sample by 1') self.user_inter_in_one_batch = (sampler.phase != 'train') and (config['eval_type'] != EvaluatorType.INDIVIDUAL) self.neg_sample_by = neg_sample_args['by'] if dl_format == InputType.POINTWISE: self.times = 1 + self.neg_sample_by self.sampling_func = self._neg_sample_by_point_wise_sampling self.label_field = config['LABEL_FIELD'] dataset.set_field_property(self.label_field, FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureSource.INTERACTION, 1) elif dl_format == InputType.PAIRWISE: self.times = 1 self.sampling_func = self._neg_sample_by_pair_wise_sampling neg_prefix = config['NEG_PREFIX'] iid_field = config['ITEM_ID_FIELD'] self.neg_item_id = neg_prefix + iid_field columns = [iid_field] if dataset.item_feat is None else dataset.item_feat.columns for item_feat_col in columns: neg_item_feat_col = neg_prefix + item_feat_col dataset.copy_field_property(neg_item_feat_col, item_feat_col) else: raise ValueError('`neg sampling by` with dl_format [{}] not been implemented'.format(dl_format)) super().__init__(config, dataset, sampler, neg_sample_args, batch_size=batch_size, dl_format=dl_format, shuffle=shuffle) def _neg_sample_by_pair_wise_sampling(self, *args): """Pair-wise sampling. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [neg_sample_by_pair_wise_sampling] should be implemented.') def _neg_sample_by_point_wise_sampling(self, *args): """Point-wise sampling. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method [neg_sample_by_point_wise_sampling] should be implemented.')