Source code for recbole.config.eval_setting

# @Time   : 2020/7/20
# @Author : Yupeng Hou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/10/22, 2020/8/31
# @Author : Yupeng Hou, Yushuo Chen
# @Email  :,


[docs]class EvalSetting(object): """Class containing settings about model evaluation. Evaluation setting contains four parts: * Group * Sort * Split * Negative Sample APIs are provided for users to set up or modify their evaluation setting easily and clearly. Besides, some presets are provided, which is more recommended. For example: RO: Random Ordering TO: Temporal Ordering RS: Ratio-based Splitting LS: Leave-one-out Splitting full: adopt the entire item set (excluding ground-truth items) for ranking uniXX: uniform sampling XX items while negative sampling popXX: popularity-based sampling XX items while negative sampling Note that records are grouped by user_id by default if you use these presets. Thus you can use `RO_RS, full` to represent Shuffle, Grouped by user, Ratio-based Splitting and Evaluate all non-ground-truth items. Check out *Revisiting Alternative Experimental Settings for Evaluating Top-N Item Recommendation Algorithms* Wayne Xin Zhao CIKM 2020 to figure out the details about presets of evaluation settings. Args: config (Config): Global configuration object. Attributes: group_field (str or None): Don't group if ``None``, else group by field before splitting. Usually records are grouped by user id. ordering_args (dict): Args about ordering. Usually records are sorted by timestamp, or shuffled. split_args (dict): Args about splitting. usually records are splitted by ratio (eg. 8:1:1), or by 'leave one out' strategy, which means the last purchase record of one user is used for evaluation. neg_sample_args (dict): Args about negative sampling. Negative sample is used wildly in training and evaluating. We provide two strategies: - ``neg_sample_by``: sample several negative records for each positive records. - ``full_sort``: don't negative sample, while all unused items are used for evaluation. """ def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.group_field = None self.ordering_args = None self.split_args = None self.neg_sample_args = {'strategy': 'none'} presetting_args = ['group_field', 'ordering_args', 'split_args', 'neg_sample_args'] for args in presetting_args: if config[args] is not None: setattr(self, args, config[args]) def __str__(self): info = ['Evaluation Setting:'] if self.group_field: info.append('Group by {}'.format(self.group_field)) else: info.append('No Grouping') if self.ordering_args is not None and self.ordering_args['strategy'] != 'none': info.append('Ordering: {}'.format(self.ordering_args)) else: info.append('No Ordering') if self.split_args is not None and self.split_args['strategy'] != 'none': info.append('Splitting: {}'.format(self.split_args)) else: info.append('No Splitting') if self.neg_sample_args is not None and self.neg_sample_args['strategy'] != 'none': info.append('Negative Sampling: {}'.format(self.neg_sample_args)) else: info.append('No Negative Sampling') return '\n\t'.join(info) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def group_by(self, field=None): """Setting about group Args: field (str): The field of dataset grouped by, default None (Not Grouping) Example: >>> es.group_by('month') >>> es.group_by_user() """ self.group_field = field
[docs] def group_by_user(self): """Group by user Note: Requires ``USER_ID_FIELD`` in config """ self.group_field = self.config['USER_ID_FIELD']
[docs] def set_ordering(self, strategy='none', **kwargs): """Setting about ordering Args: strategy (str): Either ``none``, ``shuffle`` or ``by`` field (str or list of str): Name or list of names ascending (bool or list of bool): Sort ascending vs. descending. Specify list for multiple sort orders. If this is a list of bools, must match the length of the field Example: >>> es.set_ordering('shuffle') >>> es.set_ordering('by', field='timestamp') >>> es.set_ordering('by', field=['timestamp', 'price'], ascending=[True, False]) or >>> es.random_ordering() >>> es.sort_by('timestamp') # ascending default >>> es.sort_by(field=['timestamp', 'price'], ascending=[True, False]) """ legal_strategy = {'none', 'shuffle', 'by'} if strategy not in legal_strategy: raise ValueError('Ordering Strategy [{}] should in {}'.format(strategy, list(legal_strategy))) self.ordering_args = {'strategy': strategy} self.ordering_args.update(kwargs)
[docs] def random_ordering(self): """Shuffle Setting """ self.set_ordering('shuffle')
[docs] def sort_by(self, field, ascending=None): """Setting about Sorting. Similar with pandas' sort_values_ .. _sort_values: Args: field (str or list of str): Name or list of names ascending (bool or list of bool): Sort ascending vs. descending. Specify list for multiple sort orders. If this is a list of bools, must match the length of the field """ if not isinstance(field, list): field = [field] if ascending is None: ascending = [True] * len(field) if len(ascending) == 1: ascending = True self.set_ordering('by', field=field, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def temporal_ordering(self): """Setting about Sorting by timestamp. Note: Requires `TIME_FIELD` in config """ self.sort_by(field=self.config['TIME_FIELD'])
[docs] def set_splitting(self, strategy='none', **kwargs): """Setting about split method Args: strategy (str): Either ``none``, ``by_ratio``, ``by_value`` or ``loo``. ratios (list of float): Dataset will be splited into `len(ratios)` parts. field (str): Split by values of field. values (list of float or float): Dataset will be splited into `len(values) + 1` parts. The first part will be interactions whose field value in (\\*, values[0]]. ascending (bool): Order of values after splitting. Example: >>> es.leave_one_out() >>> es.split_by_ratio(ratios=[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]) >>> es.split_by_value(field='month', values=[6, 7], ascending=False) # (*, 7], (7, 6], (6, *) """ legal_strategy = {'none', 'by_ratio', 'by_value', 'loo'} if strategy not in legal_strategy: raise ValueError('Split Strategy [{}] should in {}'.format(strategy, list(legal_strategy))) if strategy == 'loo' and self.group_by is None: raise ValueError('Leave-One-Out request group firstly') self.split_args = {'strategy': strategy} self.split_args.update(kwargs)
[docs] def leave_one_out(self, leave_one_num=1): """ Setting about Splitting by 'leave-one-out' strategy. Note: Requires setting group by. Args: leave_one_num (int): number of sub datasets for evaluation. E.g. ``leave_one_num = 2`` if you have one validation dataset and one test dataset. """ if self.group_field is None: raise ValueError('Leave one out request grouped dataset, please set group field.') self.set_splitting(strategy='loo', leave_one_num=leave_one_num)
[docs] def split_by_ratio(self, ratios): """ Setting about Ratio-based Splitting. Args: ratios (list of float): ratio of each part. No need to normalize. It's ok with either `[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]`, `[8, 1, 1]` or `[56, 7, 7]` """ if not isinstance(ratios, list): raise ValueError('ratios [{}] should be list'.format(ratios)) self.set_splitting(strategy='by_ratio', ratios=ratios)
def _split_by_value(self, field, values, ascending=True): raise NotImplementedError('Split by value has not been implemented.') if not isinstance(field, str): raise ValueError('field [{}] should be str'.format(field)) if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] values.sort(reverse=(not ascending)) self.set_splitting(strategy='by_value', values=values, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def set_neg_sampling(self, strategy='none', distribution='uniform', **kwargs): """Setting about negative sampling Args: strategy (str): Either ``none``, ``full`` or ``by``. by (int): Negative Sampling `by` neg cases for one pos case. distribution (str): distribution of sampler, either 'uniform' or 'popularity'. Example: >>> es.neg_sample_to(100) >>> es.neg_sample_by(1) """ legal_strategy = {'none', 'full', 'by'} if strategy not in legal_strategy: raise ValueError('Negative Sampling Strategy [{}] should in {}'.format(strategy, list(legal_strategy))) if strategy == 'full' and distribution != 'uniform': raise ValueError('Full Sort can not be sampled by distribution [{}]'.format(distribution)) self.neg_sample_args = {'strategy': strategy, 'distribution': distribution} self.neg_sample_args.update(kwargs)
[docs] def neg_sample_by(self, by, distribution='uniform'): """Setting about negative sampling by, which means sample several negative records for each positive records. Args: by (int): The number of neg cases for one pos case. distribution (str): distribution of sampler, either ``uniform`` or ``popularity``. """ self.set_neg_sampling(strategy='by', by=by, distribution=distribution)
[docs] def RO_RS(self, ratios=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), group_by_user=True): """Preset about Random Ordering and Ratio-based Splitting. Args: ratios (list of float): ratio of each part. No need to normalize. It's ok with either ``[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]``, ``[8, 1, 1]`` or ``[56, 7, 7]`` group_by_user (bool): set group field to user_id if True """ if group_by_user: self.group_by_user() self.random_ordering() self.split_by_ratio(ratios)
[docs] def TO_RS(self, ratios=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), group_by_user=True): """Preset about Temporal Ordering and Ratio-based Splitting. Args: ratios (list of float): ratio of each part. No need to normalize. It's ok with either ``[0.8, 0.1, 0.1]``, ``[8, 1, 1]`` or ``[56, 7, 7]`` group_by_user (bool): set group field to user_id if True """ if group_by_user: self.group_by_user() self.temporal_ordering() self.split_by_ratio(ratios)
[docs] def RO_LS(self, leave_one_num=1, group_by_user=True): """Preset about Random Ordering and Leave-one-out Splitting. Args: leave_one_num (int): number of sub datasets for evaluation. E.g. ``leave_one_num=2`` if you have one validation dataset and one test dataset. group_by_user (bool): set group field to user_id if True """ if group_by_user: self.group_by_user() self.random_ordering() self.leave_one_out(leave_one_num=leave_one_num)
[docs] def TO_LS(self, leave_one_num=1, group_by_user=True): """Preset about Temporal Ordering and Leave-one-out Splitting. Args: leave_one_num (int): number of sub datasets for evaluation. E.g. ``leave_one_num=2`` if you have one validation dataset and one test dataset. group_by_user (bool): set group field to user_id if True """ if group_by_user: self.group_by_user() self.temporal_ordering() self.leave_one_out(leave_one_num=leave_one_num)
[docs] def uni100(self): """Preset about uniform sampling 100 items for each positive records while negative sampling. """ self.neg_sample_by(100)
[docs] def pop100(self): """Preset about popularity-based sampling 100 items for each positive records while negative sampling. """ self.neg_sample_by(100, distribution='popularity')
[docs] def uni1000(self): """Preset about uniform sampling 1000 items for each positive records while negative sampling. """ self.neg_sample_by(1000)
[docs] def pop1000(self): """Preset about popularity-based sampling 1000 items for each positive records while negative sampling. """ self.neg_sample_by(1000, distribution='popularity')
[docs] def full(self): """Preset about adopt the entire item set (excluding ground-truth items) for ranking. """ self.set_neg_sampling(strategy='full')