# @Time : 2020/6/28
# @Author : Yupeng Hou
# @Email : houyupeng@ruc.edu.cn
# @Time : 2021/12/18 2021/7/14 2021/7/1, 2020/11/10
# @Author : Yupeng Hou, Xingyu Pan, Yushuo Chen, Juyong Jiang
# @Email : houyupeng@ruc.edu.cn, xy_pan@foxmail.com, chenyushuo@ruc.edu.cn, csjuyongjiang@gmail.com
import copy
import pickle
import os
import yaml
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from logging import getLogger
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn.utils.rnn as rnn_utils
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from recbole.data.interaction import Interaction
from recbole.utils import FeatureSource, FeatureType, get_local_time, set_color, ensure_dir
from recbole.utils.url import decide_download, download_url, extract_zip, makedirs, rename_atomic_files
[docs]class Dataset:
""":class:`Dataset` stores the original dataset in memory.
It provides many useful functions for data preprocessing, such as k-core data filtering and missing value
imputation. Features are stored as :class:`pandas.DataFrame` inside :class:`~recbole.data.dataset.dataset.Dataset`.
General and Context-aware Models can use this class.
By calling method :meth:`~recbole.data.dataset.dataset.Dataset.build`, it will processing dataset into
DataLoaders, according to :class:`~recbole.config.eval_setting.EvalSetting`.
config (Config): Global configuration object.
dataset_name (str): Name of this dataset.
dataset_path (str): Local file path of this dataset.
field2type (dict): Dict mapping feature name (str) to its type (:class:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType`).
field2source (dict): Dict mapping feature name (str) to its source
Specially, if feature is loaded from Arg ``additional_feat_suffix``, its source has type str,
which is the suffix of its local file (also the suffix written in Arg ``additional_feat_suffix``).
field2id_token (dict): Dict mapping feature name (str) to a :class:`np.ndarray`, which stores the original token
of this feature. For example, if ``test`` is token-like feature, ``token_a`` is remapped to 1, ``token_b``
is remapped to 2. Then ``field2id_token['test'] = ['[PAD]', 'token_a', 'token_b']``. (Note that 0 is
always PADDING for token-like features.)
field2token_id (dict): Dict mapping feature name (str) to a dict, which stores the token remap table
of this feature. For example, if ``test`` is token-like feature, ``token_a`` is remapped to 1, ``token_b``
is remapped to 2. Then ``field2token_id['test'] = {'[PAD]': 0, 'token_a': 1, 'token_b': 2}``.
(Note that 0 is always PADDING for token-like features.)
field2seqlen (dict): Dict mapping feature name (str) to its sequence length (int).
For sequence features, their length can be either set in config,
or set to the max sequence length of this feature.
For token and float features, their length is 1.
uid_field (str or None): The same as ``config['USER_ID_FIELD']``.
iid_field (str or None): The same as ``config['ITEM_ID_FIELD']``.
label_field (str or None): The same as ``config['LABEL_FIELD']``.
time_field (str or None): The same as ``config['TIME_FIELD']``.
inter_feat (:class:`Interaction`): Internal data structure stores the interaction features.
It's loaded from file ``.inter``.
user_feat (:class:`Interaction` or None): Internal data structure stores the user features.
It's loaded from file ``.user`` if existed.
item_feat (:class:`Interaction` or None): Internal data structure stores the item features.
It's loaded from file ``.item`` if existed.
feat_name_list (list): A list contains all the features' name (:class:`str`), including additional features.
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.dataset_name = config['dataset']
self.logger = getLogger()
def _from_scratch(self):
"""Load dataset from scratch.
Initialize attributes firstly, then load data from atomic files, pre-process the dataset lastly.
self.logger.debug(set_color(f'Loading {self.__class__} from scratch.', 'green'))
self._load_data(self.dataset_name, self.dataset_path)
def _get_preset(self):
"""Initialization useful inside attributes.
self.dataset_path = self.config['data_path']
self.field2type = {}
self.field2source = {}
self.field2id_token = {}
self.field2token_id = {}
self.field2seqlen = self.config['seq_len'] or {}
self.alias = {}
self._preloaded_weight = {}
self.benchmark_filename_list = self.config['benchmark_filename']
def _get_field_from_config(self):
"""Initialization common field names.
self.uid_field = self.config['USER_ID_FIELD']
self.iid_field = self.config['ITEM_ID_FIELD']
self.label_field = self.config['LABEL_FIELD']
self.time_field = self.config['TIME_FIELD']
if (self.uid_field is None) ^ (self.iid_field is None):
raise ValueError(
'USER_ID_FIELD and ITEM_ID_FIELD need to be set at the same time or not set at the same time.'
self.logger.debug(set_color('uid_field', 'blue') + f': {self.uid_field}')
self.logger.debug(set_color('iid_field', 'blue') + f': {self.iid_field}')
def _data_processing(self):
"""Data preprocessing, including:
- Data filtering
- Remap ID
- Missing value imputation
- Normalization
- Preloading weights initialization
self.feat_name_list = self._build_feat_name_list()
if self.benchmark_filename_list is None:
def _data_filtering(self):
"""Data filtering
- Filter missing user_id or item_id
- Remove duplicated user-item interaction
- Value-based data filtering
- Remove interaction by user or item
- K-core data filtering
After filtering, feats(``DataFrame``) has non-continuous index,
thus :meth:`~recbole.data.dataset.dataset.Dataset._reset_index` will reset the index of feats.
def _build_feat_name_list(self):
"""Feat list building.
Any feat loaded by Dataset can be found in ``feat_name_list``
built feature name list.
Subclasses can inherit this method to add new feat.
feat_name_list = [
feat_name for feat_name in ['inter_feat', 'user_feat', 'item_feat']
if getattr(self, feat_name, None) is not None
if self.config['additional_feat_suffix'] is not None:
for suf in self.config['additional_feat_suffix']:
if getattr(self, f'{suf}_feat', None) is not None:
return feat_name_list
def _get_download_url(self, url_file, allow_none=False):
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
with open(os.path.join(current_path, f'../../properties/dataset/{url_file}.yaml')) as f:
dataset2url = yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=self.config.yaml_loader)
if self.dataset_name in dataset2url:
url = dataset2url[self.dataset_name]
return url
elif allow_none:
return None
raise ValueError(
f'Neither [{self.dataset_path}] exists in the device '
f'nor [{self.dataset_name}] a known dataset name.'
def _download(self):
url = self._get_download_url('url')
self.logger.info(f'Prepare to download dataset [{self.dataset_name}] from [{url}].')
if decide_download(url):
path = download_url(url, self.dataset_path)
extract_zip(path, self.dataset_path)
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
rename_atomic_files(self.dataset_path, basename, self.dataset_name)
self.logger.info('Downloading done.')
self.logger.info('Stop download.')
def _load_data(self, token, dataset_path):
"""Load features.
Firstly load interaction features, then user/item features optionally,
finally load additional features if ``config['additional_feat_suffix']`` is set.
token (str): dataset name.
dataset_path (str): path of dataset dir.
if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):
self._load_inter_feat(token, dataset_path)
self.user_feat = self._load_user_or_item_feat(token, dataset_path, FeatureSource.USER, 'uid_field')
self.item_feat = self._load_user_or_item_feat(token, dataset_path, FeatureSource.ITEM, 'iid_field')
self._load_additional_feat(token, dataset_path)
def _load_inter_feat(self, token, dataset_path):
"""Load interaction features.
If ``config['benchmark_filename']`` is not set, load interaction features from ``.inter``.
Otherwise, load interaction features from a file list, named ``dataset_name.xxx.inter``,
where ``xxx`` if from ``config['benchmark_filename']``.
After loading, ``self.file_size_list`` stores the length of each interaction file.
token (str): dataset name.
dataset_path (str): path of dataset dir.
if self.benchmark_filename_list is None:
inter_feat_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, f'{token}.inter')
if not os.path.isfile(inter_feat_path):
raise ValueError(f'File {inter_feat_path} not exist.')
inter_feat = self._load_feat(inter_feat_path, FeatureSource.INTERACTION)
self.logger.debug(f'Interaction feature loaded successfully from [{inter_feat_path}].')
self.inter_feat = inter_feat
sub_inter_lens = []
sub_inter_feats = []
overall_field2seqlen = defaultdict(int)
for filename in self.benchmark_filename_list:
file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, f'{token}.{filename}.inter')
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
temp = self._load_feat(file_path, FeatureSource.INTERACTION)
for field in self.field2seqlen:
overall_field2seqlen[field] = max(overall_field2seqlen[field], self.field2seqlen[field])
raise ValueError(f'File {file_path} not exist.')
inter_feat = pd.concat(sub_inter_feats, ignore_index=True)
self.inter_feat, self.file_size_list = inter_feat, sub_inter_lens
self.field2seqlen = overall_field2seqlen
def _load_user_or_item_feat(self, token, dataset_path, source, field_name):
"""Load user/item features.
token (str): dataset name.
dataset_path (str): path of dataset dir.
source (FeatureSource): source of user/item feature.
field_name (str): ``uid_field`` or ``iid_field``
pandas.DataFrame: Loaded feature
``user_id`` and ``item_id`` has source :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureSource.USER_ID` and
feat_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, f'{token}.{source.value}')
field = getattr(self, field_name, None)
if os.path.isfile(feat_path):
feat = self._load_feat(feat_path, source)
self.logger.debug(f'[{source.value}] feature loaded successfully from [{feat_path}].')
feat = None
self.logger.debug(f'[{feat_path}] not found, [{source.value}] features are not loaded.')
if feat is not None and field is None:
raise ValueError(f'{field_name} must be exist if {source.value}_feat exist.')
if feat is not None and field not in feat:
raise ValueError(f'{field_name} must be loaded if {source.value}_feat is loaded.')
if feat is not None:
feat.drop_duplicates(subset=[field], keep='first', inplace=True)
if field in self.field2source:
self.field2source[field] = FeatureSource(source.value + '_id')
return feat
def _load_additional_feat(self, token, dataset_path):
"""Load additional features.
For those additional features, e.g. pretrained entity embedding, user can set them
as ``config['additional_feat_suffix']``, then they will be loaded and stored in
:attr:`feat_name_list`. See :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_settings` for details.
token (str): dataset name.
dataset_path (str): path of dataset dir.
if self.config['additional_feat_suffix'] is None:
for suf in self.config['additional_feat_suffix']:
if hasattr(self, f'{suf}_feat'):
raise ValueError(f'{suf}_feat already exist.')
feat_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, f'{token}.{suf}')
if os.path.isfile(feat_path):
feat = self._load_feat(feat_path, suf)
raise ValueError(f'Additional feature file [{feat_path}] not found.')
setattr(self, f'{suf}_feat', feat)
def _get_load_and_unload_col(self, source):
"""Parsing ``config['load_col']`` and ``config['unload_col']`` according to source.
See :doc:`../user_guide/config/data_settings` for detail arg setting.
source (FeatureSource): source of input file.
tuple: tuple of parsed ``load_col`` and ``unload_col``, see :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_args` for details.
if isinstance(source, FeatureSource):
source = source.value
if self.config['load_col'] is None:
load_col = None
elif source not in self.config['load_col']:
load_col = set()
elif self.config['load_col'][source] == '*':
load_col = None
load_col = set(self.config['load_col'][source])
if self.config['unload_col'] is not None and source in self.config['unload_col']:
unload_col = set(self.config['unload_col'][source])
unload_col = None
if load_col and unload_col:
raise ValueError(f'load_col [{load_col}] and unload_col [{unload_col}] can not be set the same time.')
self.logger.debug(set_color(f'[{source}]: ', 'pink'))
self.logger.debug(set_color('\t load_col', 'blue') + f': [{load_col}]')
self.logger.debug(set_color('\t unload_col', 'blue') + f': [{unload_col}]')
return load_col, unload_col
def _load_feat(self, filepath, source):
"""Load features according to source into :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
Set features' properties, e.g. type, source and length.
filepath (str): path of input file.
source (FeatureSource or str): source of input file.
pandas.DataFrame: Loaded feature
For sequence features, ``seqlen`` will be loaded, but data in DataFrame will not be cut off.
Their length is limited only after calling :meth:`~_dict_to_interaction` or
self.logger.debug(set_color(f'Loading feature from [{filepath}] (source: [{source}]).', 'green'))
load_col, unload_col = self._get_load_and_unload_col(source)
if load_col == set():
return None
field_separator = self.config['field_separator']
columns = []
usecols = []
dtype = {}
encoding = self.config['encoding']
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
head = f.readline()[:-1]
for field_type in head.split(field_separator):
field, ftype = field_type.split(':')
ftype = FeatureType(ftype)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'Type {ftype} from field {field} is not supported.')
if load_col is not None and field not in load_col:
if unload_col is not None and field in unload_col:
if isinstance(source, FeatureSource) or source != 'link':
self.field2source[field] = source
self.field2type[field] = ftype
if not ftype.value.endswith('seq'):
self.field2seqlen[field] = 1
dtype[field_type] = np.float64 if ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT else str
if len(columns) == 0:
self.logger.warning(f'No columns has been loaded from [{source}]')
return None
df = pd.read_csv(
filepath, delimiter=field_separator, usecols=usecols, dtype=dtype, encoding=encoding, engine='python'
df.columns = columns
seq_separator = self.config['seq_separator']
for field in columns:
ftype = self.field2type[field]
if not ftype.value.endswith('seq'):
df[field].fillna(value='', inplace=True)
if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ:
df[field] = [np.array(list(filter(None, _.split(seq_separator)))) for _ in df[field].values]
elif ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ:
df[field] = [np.array(list(map(float, filter(None, _.split(seq_separator))))) for _ in df[field].values]
self.field2seqlen[field] = max(map(len, df[field].values))
return df
def _set_alias(self, alias_name, default_value):
alias = self.config[f'alias_of_{alias_name}'] or []
alias = np.array(list(filter(None, default_value)) + alias)
_, idx = np.unique(alias, return_index=True)
self.alias[alias_name] = alias[np.sort(idx)]
def _init_alias(self):
"""Set :attr:`alias_of_user_id` and :attr:`alias_of_item_id`. And set :attr:`_rest_fields`.
self._set_alias('user_id', [self.uid_field])
self._set_alias('item_id', [self.iid_field])
for alias_name_1, alias_1 in self.alias.items():
for alias_name_2, alias_2 in self.alias.items():
if alias_name_1 != alias_name_2:
intersect = np.intersect1d(alias_1, alias_2, assume_unique=True)
if len(intersect) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f'`alias_of_{alias_name_1}` and `alias_of_{alias_name_2}` '
f'should not have the same field {list(intersect)}.'
self._rest_fields = self.token_like_fields
for alias_name, alias in self.alias.items():
isin = np.isin(alias, self._rest_fields, assume_unique=True)
if isin.all() is False:
raise ValueError(
f'`alias_of_{alias_name}` should not contain '
f'non-token-like field {list(alias[~isin])}.'
self._rest_fields = np.setdiff1d(self._rest_fields, alias, assume_unique=True)
def _user_item_feat_preparation(self):
"""Sort :attr:`user_feat` and :attr:`item_feat` by ``user_id`` or ``item_id``.
Missing values will be filled later.
if self.user_feat is not None:
new_user_df = pd.DataFrame({self.uid_field: np.arange(self.user_num)})
self.user_feat = pd.merge(new_user_df, self.user_feat, on=self.uid_field, how='left')
self.logger.debug(set_color('ordering user features by user id.', 'green'))
if self.item_feat is not None:
new_item_df = pd.DataFrame({self.iid_field: np.arange(self.item_num)})
self.item_feat = pd.merge(new_item_df, self.item_feat, on=self.iid_field, how='left')
self.logger.debug(set_color('ordering item features by item id.', 'green'))
def _preload_weight_matrix(self):
"""Transfer preload weight features into :class:`numpy.ndarray` with shape ``[id_token_length]``
or ``[id_token_length, seqlen]``. See :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_args` for detail arg setting.
preload_fields = self.config['preload_weight']
if preload_fields is None:
self.logger.debug(f'Preload weight matrix for {preload_fields}.')
for preload_id_field, preload_value_field in preload_fields.items():
if preload_id_field not in self.field2source:
raise ValueError(f'Preload id field [{preload_id_field}] not exist.')
if preload_value_field not in self.field2source:
raise ValueError(f'Preload value field [{preload_value_field}] not exist.')
pid_source = self.field2source[preload_id_field]
pv_source = self.field2source[preload_value_field]
if pid_source != pv_source:
raise ValueError(
f'Preload id field [{preload_id_field}] is from source [{pid_source}],'
f'while preload value field [{preload_value_field}] is from source [{pv_source}], '
f'which should be the same.'
id_ftype = self.field2type[preload_id_field]
value_ftype = self.field2type[preload_value_field]
if id_ftype != FeatureType.TOKEN:
raise ValueError(f'Preload id field [{preload_id_field}] should be type token, but is [{id_ftype}].')
if value_ftype not in {FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ}:
f'Field [{preload_value_field}] with type [{value_ftype}] is not `float` or `float_seq`, '
f'which will not be handled by preload matrix.'
token_num = self.num(preload_id_field)
feat = self.field2feats(preload_id_field)[0]
if value_ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT:
matrix = np.zeros(token_num)
matrix[feat[preload_id_field]] = feat[preload_value_field]
max_len = self.field2seqlen[preload_value_field]
matrix = np.zeros((token_num, max_len))
preload_ids = feat[preload_id_field].values
preload_values = feat[preload_value_field].to_list()
for pid, prow in zip(preload_ids, preload_values):
length = len(prow)
if length <= max_len:
matrix[pid, :length] = prow
matrix[pid] = prow[:max_len]
self._preloaded_weight[preload_id_field] = matrix
def _fill_nan(self):
"""Missing value imputation.
For fields with type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.TOKEN`, missing value will be filled by
``[PAD]``, which indexed as 0.
For fields with type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.FLOAT`, missing value will be filled by
the average of original data.
self.logger.debug(set_color('Filling nan', 'green'))
for feat_name in self.feat_name_list:
feat = getattr(self, feat_name)
for field in feat:
ftype = self.field2type[field]
if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN:
feat[field].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
elif ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT:
feat[field].fillna(value=feat[field].mean(), inplace=True)
dtype = np.int64 if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ else np.float
feat[field] = feat[field].apply(lambda x: np.array([], dtype=dtype) if isinstance(x, float) else x)
def _normalize(self):
"""Normalization if ``config['normalize_field']`` or ``config['normalize_all']`` is set.
See :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_args` for detail arg setting.
.. math::
x' = \frac{x - x_{min}}{x_{max} - x_{min}}
Only float-like fields can be normalized.
if self.config['normalize_field'] is not None and self.config['normalize_all'] is True:
raise ValueError('Normalize_field and normalize_all can\'t be set at the same time.')
if self.config['normalize_field']:
fields = self.config['normalize_field']
for field in fields:
if field not in self.field2type:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] does not exist.')
ftype = self.field2type[field]
if ftype != FeatureType.FLOAT and ftype != FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ:
self.logger.warning(f'{field} is not a FLOAT/FLOAT_SEQ feat, which will not be normalized.')
elif self.config['normalize_all']:
fields = self.float_like_fields
self.logger.debug(set_color('Normalized fields', 'blue') + f': {fields}')
for field in fields:
for feat in self.field2feats(field):
def norm(arr):
mx, mn = max(arr), min(arr)
if mx == mn:
self.logger.warning(f'All the same value in [{field}] from [{feat}_feat].')
arr = 1.0
arr = (arr - mn) / (mx - mn)
return arr
ftype = self.field2type[field]
if ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT:
feat[field] = norm(feat[field].values)
elif ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ:
split_point = np.cumsum(feat[field].agg(len))[:-1]
feat[field] = np.split(norm(feat[field].agg(np.concatenate)), split_point)
def _filter_nan_user_or_item(self):
"""Filter NaN user_id and item_id
for field, name in zip([self.uid_field, self.iid_field], ['user', 'item']):
feat = getattr(self, name + '_feat')
if feat is not None:
dropped_feat = feat.index[feat[field].isnull()]
if len(dropped_feat):
f'In {name}_feat, line {list(dropped_feat + 2)}, {field} do not exist, so they will be removed.'
feat.drop(feat.index[dropped_feat], inplace=True)
if field is not None:
dropped_inter = self.inter_feat.index[self.inter_feat[field].isnull()]
if len(dropped_inter):
f'In inter_feat, line {list(dropped_inter + 2)}, {field} do not exist, so they will be removed.'
self.inter_feat.drop(self.inter_feat.index[dropped_inter], inplace=True)
def _remove_duplication(self):
"""Remove duplications in inter_feat.
If :attr:`self.config['rm_dup_inter']` is not ``None``, it will remove duplicated user-item interactions.
Before removing duplicated user-item interactions, if :attr:`time_field` existed, :attr:`inter_feat`
will be sorted by :attr:`time_field` in ascending order.
keep = self.config['rm_dup_inter']
if keep is None:
self._check_field('uid_field', 'iid_field')
if self.time_field in self.inter_feat:
self.inter_feat.sort_values(by=[self.time_field], ascending=True, inplace=True)
f'Records in original dataset have been sorted by value of [{self.time_field}] in ascending order.'
f'Timestamp field has not been loaded or specified, '
f'thus strategy [{keep}] of duplication removal may be meaningless.'
self.inter_feat.drop_duplicates(subset=[self.uid_field, self.iid_field], keep=keep, inplace=True)
def _filter_by_inter_num(self):
"""Filter by number of interaction.
The interval of the number of interactions can be set, and only users/items whose number
of interactions is in the specified interval can be retained.
See :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_args` for detail arg setting.
Lower bound of the interval is also called k-core filtering, which means this method
will filter loops until all the users and items has at least k interactions.
if self.uid_field is None or self.iid_field is None:
user_inter_num_interval = self._parse_intervals_str(self.config['user_inter_num_interval'])
item_inter_num_interval = self._parse_intervals_str(self.config['item_inter_num_interval'])
if user_inter_num_interval is None and item_inter_num_interval is None:
user_inter_num = Counter(self.inter_feat[self.uid_field].values) if user_inter_num_interval else Counter()
item_inter_num = Counter(self.inter_feat[self.iid_field].values) if item_inter_num_interval else Counter()
while True:
ban_users = self._get_illegal_ids_by_inter_num(
ban_items = self._get_illegal_ids_by_inter_num(
if len(ban_users) == 0 and len(ban_items) == 0:
if self.user_feat is not None:
dropped_user = self.user_feat[self.uid_field].isin(ban_users)
self.user_feat.drop(self.user_feat.index[dropped_user], inplace=True)
if self.item_feat is not None:
dropped_item = self.item_feat[self.iid_field].isin(ban_items)
self.item_feat.drop(self.item_feat.index[dropped_item], inplace=True)
dropped_inter = pd.Series(False, index=self.inter_feat.index)
user_inter = self.inter_feat[self.uid_field]
item_inter = self.inter_feat[self.iid_field]
dropped_inter |= user_inter.isin(ban_users)
dropped_inter |= item_inter.isin(ban_items)
user_inter_num -= Counter(user_inter[dropped_inter].values)
item_inter_num -= Counter(item_inter[dropped_inter].values)
dropped_index = self.inter_feat.index[dropped_inter]
self.logger.debug(f'[{len(dropped_index)}] dropped interactions.')
self.inter_feat.drop(dropped_index, inplace=True)
def _get_illegal_ids_by_inter_num(self, field, feat, inter_num, inter_interval=None):
"""Given inter feat, return illegal ids, whose inter num out of [min_num, max_num]
field (str): field name of user_id or item_id.
feat (pandas.DataFrame): interaction feature.
inter_num (Counter): interaction number counter.
inter_interval (list, optional): the allowed interval(s) of the number of interactions.
Defaults to ``None``.
set: illegal ids, whose inter num out of inter_intervals.
set_color('get_illegal_ids_by_inter_num', 'blue') + f': field=[{field}], inter_interval=[{inter_interval}]'
if inter_interval is not None:
if len(inter_interval) > 1:
self.logger.warning(f'More than one interval of interaction number are given!')
ids = {id_ for id_ in inter_num if not self._within_intervals(inter_num[id_], inter_interval)}
if feat is not None:
min_num = inter_interval[0][1] if inter_interval else -1
for id_ in feat[field].values:
if inter_num[id_] < min_num:
self.logger.debug(f'[{len(ids)}] illegal_ids_by_inter_num, field=[{field}]')
return ids
def _parse_intervals_str(self, intervals_str):
"""Given string of intervals, return the list of endpoints tuple, where a tuple corresponds to an interval.
intervals_str (str): the string of intervals, such as "(0,1];[3,4)".
list of endpoint tuple, such as [('(', 0, 1.0 , ']'), ('[', 3.0, 4.0 , ')')].
if intervals_str is None:
return None
endpoints = []
for endpoint_pair_str in str(intervals_str).split(';'):
endpoint_pair_str = endpoint_pair_str.strip()
left_bracket, right_bracket = endpoint_pair_str[0], endpoint_pair_str[-1]
endpoint_pair = endpoint_pair_str[1:-1].split(',')
if not (len(endpoint_pair) == 2 and left_bracket in ['(', '['] and right_bracket in [')', ']']):
self.logger.warning(f'{endpoint_pair_str} is an illegal interval!')
left_point, right_point = float(endpoint_pair[0]), float(endpoint_pair[1])
if left_point > right_point:
self.logger.warning(f'{endpoint_pair_str} is an illegal interval!')
endpoints.append((left_bracket, left_point, right_point, right_bracket))
return endpoints
def _within_intervals(self, num, intervals):
""" return Ture if the num is in the intervals.
return true when the intervals is None.
result = True
for i, (left_bracket, left_point, right_point, right_bracket) in enumerate(intervals):
temp_result = num >= left_point if left_bracket == '[' else num > left_point
temp_result &= num <= right_point if right_bracket == ']' else num < right_point
result = temp_result if i == 0 else result | temp_result
return result
def _filter_by_field_value(self):
"""Filter features according to its values.
val_intervals = {} if self.config['val_interval'] is None else self.config['val_interval']
self.logger.debug(set_color('drop_by_value', 'blue') + f': val={val_intervals}')
for field, interval in val_intervals.items():
if field not in self.field2type:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] not defined in dataset.')
if self.field2type[field] in {FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ}:
field_val_interval = self._parse_intervals_str(interval)
for feat in self.field2feats(field):
feat.drop(feat.index[~self._within_intervals(feat[field].values, field_val_interval)], inplace=True)
else: # token-like field
for feat in self.field2feats(field):
feat.drop(feat.index[~feat[field].isin(interval)], inplace=True)
def _reset_index(self):
"""Reset index for all feats in :attr:`feat_name_list`.
for feat_name in self.feat_name_list:
feat = getattr(self, feat_name)
if feat.empty:
raise ValueError('Some feat is empty, please check the filtering settings.')
feat.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def _del_col(self, feat, field):
"""Delete columns
feat (pandas.DataFrame or Interaction): the feat contains field.
field (str): field name to be dropped.
self.logger.debug(f'Delete column [{field}].')
if isinstance(feat, Interaction):
feat.drop(columns=field, inplace=True)
for dct in [self.field2id_token, self.field2token_id, self.field2seqlen, self.field2source, self.field2type]:
if field in dct:
del dct[field]
def _filter_inter_by_user_or_item(self):
"""Remove interaction in inter_feat which user or item is not in user_feat or item_feat.
if self.config['filter_inter_by_user_or_item'] is not True:
remained_inter = pd.Series(True, index=self.inter_feat.index)
if self.user_feat is not None:
remained_uids = self.user_feat[self.uid_field].values
remained_inter &= self.inter_feat[self.uid_field].isin(remained_uids)
if self.item_feat is not None:
remained_iids = self.item_feat[self.iid_field].values
remained_inter &= self.inter_feat[self.iid_field].isin(remained_iids)
self.inter_feat.drop(self.inter_feat.index[~remained_inter], inplace=True)
def _set_label_by_threshold(self):
"""Generate 0/1 labels according to value of features.
According to ``config['threshold']``, those rows with value lower than threshold will
be given negative label, while the other will be given positive label.
See :doc:`../user_guide/data/data_args` for detail arg setting.
Key of ``config['threshold']`` if a field name.
This field will be dropped after label generation.
threshold = self.config['threshold']
if threshold is None:
self.logger.debug(f'Set label by {threshold}.')
if len(threshold) != 1:
raise ValueError('Threshold length should be 1.')
self.set_field_property(self.label_field, FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureSource.INTERACTION, 1)
for field, value in threshold.items():
if field in self.inter_feat:
self.inter_feat[self.label_field] = (self.inter_feat[field] >= value).astype(int)
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] not in inter_feat.')
if field != self.label_field:
self._del_col(self.inter_feat, field)
def _get_remap_list(self, field_list):
"""Transfer set of fields in the same remapping space into remap list.
If ``uid_field`` or ``iid_field`` in ``field_set``,
field in :attr:`inter_feat` will be remapped firstly,
then field in :attr:`user_feat` or :attr:`item_feat` will be remapped next, finally others.
field_list (numpy.ndarray): List of fields in the same remapping space.
- feat (pandas.DataFrame)
- field (str)
- ftype (FeatureType)
They will be concatenated in order, and remapped together.
remap_list = []
for field in field_list:
ftype = self.field2type[field]
for feat in self.field2feats(field):
remap_list.append((feat, field, ftype))
return remap_list
def _remap_ID_all(self):
"""Remap all token-like fields.
for alias in self.alias.values():
remap_list = self._get_remap_list(alias)
for field in self._rest_fields:
remap_list = self._get_remap_list(np.array([field]))
def _concat_remaped_tokens(self, remap_list):
"""Given ``remap_list``, concatenate values in order.
remap_list (list): See :meth:`_get_remap_list` for detail.
tuple: tuple of:
- tokens after concatenation.
- split points that can be used to restore the concatenated tokens.
tokens = []
for feat, field, ftype in remap_list:
if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN:
elif ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ:
split_point = np.cumsum(list(map(len, tokens)))[:-1]
tokens = np.concatenate(tokens)
return tokens, split_point
def _remap(self, remap_list):
"""Remap tokens using :meth:`pandas.factorize`.
remap_list (list): See :meth:`_get_remap_list` for detail.
if len(remap_list) == 0:
tokens, split_point = self._concat_remaped_tokens(remap_list)
new_ids_list, mp = pd.factorize(tokens)
new_ids_list = np.split(new_ids_list + 1, split_point)
mp = np.array(['[PAD]'] + list(mp))
token_id = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(mp)}
for (feat, field, ftype), new_ids in zip(remap_list, new_ids_list):
if field not in self.field2id_token:
self.field2id_token[field] = mp
self.field2token_id[field] = token_id
if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN:
feat[field] = new_ids
elif ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ:
split_point = np.cumsum(feat[field].agg(len))[:-1]
feat[field] = np.split(new_ids, split_point)
def _change_feat_format(self):
"""Change feat format from :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to :class:`Interaction`.
for feat_name in self.feat_name_list:
feat = getattr(self, feat_name)
setattr(self, feat_name, self._dataframe_to_interaction(feat))
[docs] def num(self, field):
"""Given ``field``, for token-like fields, return the number of different tokens after remapping,
for float-like fields, return ``1``.
field (str): field name to get token number.
int: The number of different tokens (``1`` if ``field`` is a float-like field).
if field not in self.field2type:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] not defined in dataset.')
if self.field2type[field] not in {FeatureType.TOKEN, FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ}:
return self.field2seqlen[field]
return len(self.field2id_token[field])
[docs] def fields(self, ftype=None, source=None):
"""Given type and source of features, return all the field name of this type and source.
If ``ftype == None``, the type of returned fields is not restricted.
If ``source == None``, the source of returned fields is not restricted.
ftype (FeatureType, optional): Type of features. Defaults to ``None``.
source (FeatureSource, optional): Source of features. Defaults to ``None``.
list: List of field names.
ftype = set(ftype) if ftype is not None else set(FeatureType)
source = set(source) if source is not None else set(FeatureSource)
ret = []
for field in self.field2type:
tp = self.field2type[field]
src = self.field2source[field]
if tp in ftype and src in source:
return ret
def float_like_fields(self):
"""Get fields of type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.FLOAT` and
list: List of field names.
return self.fields(ftype=[FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ])
def token_like_fields(self):
"""Get fields of type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.TOKEN` and
list: List of field names.
return self.fields(ftype=[FeatureType.TOKEN, FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ])
def seq_fields(self):
"""Get fields of type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ` and
list: List of field names.
return self.fields(ftype=[FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ, FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ])
def non_seq_fields(self):
"""Get fields of type :obj:`~recbole.utils.enum_type.FeatureType.TOKEN` and
list: List of field names.
return self.fields(ftype=[FeatureType.FLOAT, FeatureType.TOKEN])
[docs] def set_field_property(self, field, field_type, field_source, field_seqlen):
"""Set a new field's properties.
field (str): Name of the new field.
field_type (FeatureType): Type of the new field.
field_source (FeatureSource): Source of the new field.
field_seqlen (int): max length of the sequence in ``field``.
``1`` if ``field``'s type is not sequence-like.
self.field2type[field] = field_type
self.field2source[field] = field_source
self.field2seqlen[field] = field_seqlen
[docs] def copy_field_property(self, dest_field, source_field):
"""Copy properties from ``dest_field`` towards ``source_field``.
dest_field (str): Destination field.
source_field (str): Source field.
self.field2type[dest_field] = self.field2type[source_field]
self.field2source[dest_field] = self.field2source[source_field]
self.field2seqlen[dest_field] = self.field2seqlen[source_field]
[docs] def field2feats(self, field):
if field not in self.field2source:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] not defined in dataset.')
if field == self.uid_field:
feats = [self.inter_feat]
if self.user_feat is not None:
elif field == self.iid_field:
feats = [self.inter_feat]
if self.item_feat is not None:
source = self.field2source[field]
if not isinstance(source, str):
source = source.value
feats = [getattr(self, f'{source}_feat')]
return feats
[docs] def token2id(self, field, tokens):
"""Map external tokens to internal ids.
field (str): Field of external tokens.
tokens (str, list or numpy.ndarray): External tokens.
int or numpy.ndarray: The internal ids of external tokens.
if isinstance(tokens, str):
if tokens in self.field2token_id[field]:
return self.field2token_id[field][tokens]
raise ValueError(f'token [{tokens}] is not existed in {field}')
elif isinstance(tokens, (list, np.ndarray)):
return np.array([self.token2id(field, token) for token in tokens])
raise TypeError(f'The type of tokens [{tokens}] is not supported')
[docs] def id2token(self, field, ids):
"""Map internal ids to external tokens.
field (str): Field of internal ids.
ids (int, list, numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor): Internal ids.
str or numpy.ndarray: The external tokens of internal ids.
return self.field2id_token[field][ids]
except IndexError:
if isinstance(ids, list):
raise ValueError(f'[{ids}] is not a one-dimensional list.')
raise ValueError(f'[{ids}] is not a valid ids.')
[docs] def counter(self, field):
"""Given ``field``, if it is a token field in ``inter_feat``,
return the counter containing the occurrences times in ``inter_feat`` of different tokens,
for other cases, raise ValueError.
field (str): field name to get token counter.
Counter: The counter of different tokens.
if field not in self.inter_feat:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] is not defined in ``inter_feat``.')
if self.field2type[field] == FeatureType.TOKEN:
if isinstance(self.inter_feat, pd.DataFrame):
return Counter(self.inter_feat[field].values)
return Counter(self.inter_feat[field].numpy())
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] is not a token field.')
def user_counter(self):
"""Get the counter containing the occurrences times in ``inter_feat`` of different users.
Counter: The counter of different users.
return self.counter(self.uid_field)
def item_counter(self):
"""Get the counter containing the occurrences times in ``inter_feat`` of different items.
Counter: The counter of different items.
return self.counter(self.iid_field)
def user_num(self):
"""Get the number of different tokens of ``self.uid_field``.
int: Number of different tokens of ``self.uid_field``.
return self.num(self.uid_field)
def item_num(self):
"""Get the number of different tokens of ``self.iid_field``.
int: Number of different tokens of ``self.iid_field``.
return self.num(self.iid_field)
def inter_num(self):
"""Get the number of interaction records.
int: Number of interaction records.
return len(self.inter_feat)
def avg_actions_of_users(self):
"""Get the average number of users' interaction records.
numpy.float64: Average number of users' interaction records.
if isinstance(self.inter_feat, pd.DataFrame):
return np.mean(self.inter_feat.groupby(self.uid_field).size())
return np.mean(list(Counter(self.inter_feat[self.uid_field].numpy()).values()))
def avg_actions_of_items(self):
"""Get the average number of items' interaction records.
numpy.float64: Average number of items' interaction records.
if isinstance(self.inter_feat, pd.DataFrame):
return np.mean(self.inter_feat.groupby(self.iid_field).size())
return np.mean(list(Counter(self.inter_feat[self.iid_field].numpy()).values()))
def sparsity(self):
"""Get the sparsity of this dataset.
float: Sparsity of this dataset.
return 1 - self.inter_num / self.user_num / self.item_num
def _check_field(self, *field_names):
"""Given a name of attribute, check if it's exist.
*field_names (str): Fields to be checked.
for field_name in field_names:
if getattr(self, field_name, None) is None:
raise ValueError(f'{field_name} isn\'t set.')
[docs] def join(self, df):
"""Given interaction feature, join user/item feature into it.
df (Interaction): Interaction feature to be joint.
Interaction: Interaction feature after joining operation.
if self.user_feat is not None and self.uid_field in df:
if self.item_feat is not None and self.iid_field in df:
return df
def __getitem__(self, index, join=True):
df = self.inter_feat[index]
return self.join(df) if join else df
def __len__(self):
return len(self.inter_feat)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
info = [set_color(self.dataset_name, 'pink')]
if self.uid_field:
set_color('The number of users', 'blue') + f': {self.user_num}',
set_color('Average actions of users', 'blue') + f': {self.avg_actions_of_users}'
if self.iid_field:
set_color('The number of items', 'blue') + f': {self.item_num}',
set_color('Average actions of items', 'blue') + f': {self.avg_actions_of_items}'
info.append(set_color('The number of inters', 'blue') + f': {self.inter_num}')
if self.uid_field and self.iid_field:
info.append(set_color('The sparsity of the dataset', 'blue') + f': {self.sparsity * 100}%')
info.append(set_color('Remain Fields', 'blue') + f': {list(self.field2type)}')
return '\n'.join(info)
[docs] def copy(self, new_inter_feat):
"""Given a new interaction feature, return a new :class:`Dataset` object,
whose interaction feature is updated with ``new_inter_feat``, and all the other attributes the same.
new_inter_feat (Interaction): The new interaction feature need to be updated.
:class:`~Dataset`: the new :class:`~Dataset` object, whose interaction feature has been updated.
nxt = copy.copy(self)
nxt.inter_feat = new_inter_feat
return nxt
def _drop_unused_col(self):
"""Drop columns which are loaded for data preparation but not used in model.
unused_col = self.config['unused_col']
if unused_col is None:
for feat_name, unused_fields in unused_col.items():
feat = getattr(self, feat_name + '_feat')
for field in unused_fields:
if field not in feat:
f'Field [{field}] is not in [{feat_name}_feat], which can not be set in `unused_col`.'
self._del_col(feat, field)
def _grouped_index(self, group_by_list):
index = {}
for i, key in enumerate(group_by_list):
if key not in index:
index[key] = [i]
return index.values()
def _calcu_split_ids(self, tot, ratios):
"""Given split ratios, and total number, calculate the number of each part after splitting.
Other than the first one, each part is rounded down.
tot (int): Total number.
ratios (list): List of split ratios. No need to be normalized.
list: Number of each part after splitting.
cnt = [int(ratios[i] * tot) for i in range(len(ratios))]
cnt[0] = tot - sum(cnt[1:])
for i in range(1, len(ratios)):
if cnt[0] <= 1:
if 0 < ratios[-i] * tot < 1:
cnt[-i] += 1
cnt[0] -= 1
split_ids = np.cumsum(cnt)[:-1]
return list(split_ids)
[docs] def split_by_ratio(self, ratios, group_by=None):
"""Split interaction records by ratios.
ratios (list): List of split ratios. No need to be normalized.
group_by (str, optional): Field name that interaction records should grouped by before splitting.
Defaults to ``None``
list: List of :class:`~Dataset`, whose interaction features has been split.
Other than the first one, each part is rounded down.
self.logger.debug(f'split by ratios [{ratios}], group_by=[{group_by}]')
tot_ratio = sum(ratios)
ratios = [_ / tot_ratio for _ in ratios]
if group_by is None:
tot_cnt = self.__len__()
split_ids = self._calcu_split_ids(tot=tot_cnt, ratios=ratios)
next_index = [range(start, end) for start, end in zip([0] + split_ids, split_ids + [tot_cnt])]
grouped_inter_feat_index = self._grouped_index(self.inter_feat[group_by].numpy())
next_index = [[] for _ in range(len(ratios))]
for grouped_index in grouped_inter_feat_index:
tot_cnt = len(grouped_index)
split_ids = self._calcu_split_ids(tot=tot_cnt, ratios=ratios)
for index, start, end in zip(next_index, [0] + split_ids, split_ids + [tot_cnt]):
next_df = [self.inter_feat[index] for index in next_index]
next_ds = [self.copy(_) for _ in next_df]
return next_ds
def _split_index_by_leave_one_out(self, grouped_index, leave_one_num):
"""Split indexes by strategy leave one out.
grouped_index (list of list of int): Index to be split.
leave_one_num (int): Number of parts whose length is expected to be ``1``.
list: List of index that has been split.
next_index = [[] for _ in range(leave_one_num + 1)]
for index in grouped_index:
index = list(index)
tot_cnt = len(index)
legal_leave_one_num = min(leave_one_num, tot_cnt - 1)
pr = tot_cnt - legal_leave_one_num
for i in range(legal_leave_one_num):
next_index[-legal_leave_one_num + i].append(index[pr])
pr += 1
return next_index
[docs] def leave_one_out(self, group_by, leave_one_mode):
"""Split interaction records by leave one out strategy.
group_by (str): Field name that interaction records should grouped by before splitting.
leave_one_mode (str): The way to leave one out. It can only take three values:
'valid_and_test', 'valid_only' and 'test_only'.
list: List of :class:`~Dataset`, whose interaction features has been split.
self.logger.debug(f'leave one out, group_by=[{group_by}], leave_one_mode=[{leave_one_mode}]')
if group_by is None:
raise ValueError('leave one out strategy require a group field')
grouped_inter_feat_index = self._grouped_index(self.inter_feat[group_by].numpy())
if leave_one_mode == 'valid_and_test':
next_index = self._split_index_by_leave_one_out(grouped_inter_feat_index, leave_one_num=2)
elif leave_one_mode == 'valid_only':
next_index = self._split_index_by_leave_one_out(grouped_inter_feat_index, leave_one_num=1)
elif leave_one_mode == 'test_only':
next_index = self._split_index_by_leave_one_out(grouped_inter_feat_index, leave_one_num=1)
next_index = [next_index[0], [], next_index[1]]
raise NotImplementedError(f'The leave_one_mode [{leave_one_mode}] has not been implemented.')
next_df = [self.inter_feat[index] for index in next_index]
next_ds = [self.copy(_) for _ in next_df]
return next_ds
[docs] def shuffle(self):
"""Shuffle the interaction records inplace.
[docs] def sort(self, by, ascending=True):
"""Sort the interaction records inplace.
by (str or list of str): Field that as the key in the sorting process.
ascending (bool or list of bool, optional): Results are ascending if ``True``, otherwise descending.
Defaults to ``True``
self.inter_feat.sort(by=by, ascending=ascending)
[docs] def build(self):
"""Processing dataset according to evaluation setting, including Group, Order and Split.
See :class:`~recbole.config.eval_setting.EvalSetting` for details.
list: List of built :class:`Dataset`.
if self.benchmark_filename_list is not None:
cumsum = list(np.cumsum(self.file_size_list))
datasets = [self.copy(self.inter_feat[start:end]) for start, end in zip([0] + cumsum[:-1], cumsum)]
return datasets
# ordering
ordering_args = self.config['eval_args']['order']
if ordering_args == 'RO':
elif ordering_args == 'TO':
raise NotImplementedError(f'The ordering_method [{ordering_args}] has not been implemented.')
# splitting & grouping
split_args = self.config['eval_args']['split']
if split_args is None:
raise ValueError('The split_args in eval_args should not be None.')
if not isinstance(split_args, dict):
raise ValueError(f'The split_args [{split_args}] should be a dict.')
split_mode = list(split_args.keys())[0]
assert len(split_args.keys()) == 1
group_by = self.config['eval_args']['group_by']
if split_mode == 'RS':
if not isinstance(split_args['RS'], list):
raise ValueError(f'The value of "RS" [{split_args}] should be a list.')
if group_by is None or group_by.lower() == 'none':
datasets = self.split_by_ratio(split_args['RS'], group_by=None)
elif group_by == 'user':
datasets = self.split_by_ratio(split_args['RS'], group_by=self.uid_field)
raise NotImplementedError(f'The grouping method [{group_by}] has not been implemented.')
elif split_mode == 'LS':
datasets = self.leave_one_out(group_by=self.uid_field, leave_one_mode=split_args['LS'])
raise NotImplementedError(f'The splitting_method [{split_mode}] has not been implemented.')
return datasets
[docs] def save(self):
"""Saving this :class:`Dataset` object to :attr:`config['checkpoint_dir']`.
save_dir = self.config['checkpoint_dir']
file = os.path.join(save_dir, f'{self.config["dataset"]}-dataset.pth')
self.logger.info(set_color('Saving filtered dataset into ', 'pink') + f'[{file}]')
with open(file, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def get_user_feature(self):
Interaction: user features
if self.user_feat is None:
return Interaction({self.uid_field: torch.arange(self.user_num)})
return self.user_feat
[docs] def get_item_feature(self):
Interaction: item features
if self.item_feat is None:
return Interaction({self.iid_field: torch.arange(self.item_num)})
return self.item_feat
def _create_sparse_matrix(self, df_feat, source_field, target_field, form='coo', value_field=None):
"""Get sparse matrix that describe relations between two fields.
Source and target should be token-like fields.
Sparse matrix has shape (``self.num(source_field)``, ``self.num(target_field)``).
For a row of <src, tgt>, ``matrix[src, tgt] = 1`` if ``value_field`` is ``None``,
else ``matrix[src, tgt] = df_feat[value_field][src, tgt]``.
df_feat (Interaction): Feature where src and tgt exist.
source_field (str): Source field
target_field (str): Target field
form (str, optional): Sparse matrix format. Defaults to ``coo``.
value_field (str, optional): Data of sparse matrix, which should exist in ``df_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
scipy.sparse: Sparse matrix in form ``coo`` or ``csr``.
src = df_feat[source_field]
tgt = df_feat[target_field]
if value_field is None:
data = np.ones(len(df_feat))
if value_field not in df_feat:
raise ValueError(f'Value_field [{value_field}] should be one of `df_feat`\'s features.')
data = df_feat[value_field]
mat = coo_matrix((data, (src, tgt)), shape=(self.num(source_field), self.num(target_field)))
if form == 'coo':
return mat
elif form == 'csr':
return mat.tocsr()
raise NotImplementedError(f'Sparse matrix format [{form}] has not been implemented.')
def _create_graph(self, tensor_feat, source_field, target_field, form='dgl', value_field=None):
"""Get graph that describe relations between two fields.
Source and target should be token-like fields.
For an edge of <src, tgt>, ``graph[src, tgt] = 1`` if ``value_field`` is ``None``,
else ``graph[src, tgt] = df_feat[value_field][src, tgt]``.
Currently, we support graph in `DGL`_ and `PyG`_.
tensor_feat (Interaction): Feature where src and tgt exist.
source_field (str): Source field
target_field (str): Target field
form (str, optional): Library of graph data structure. Defaults to ``dgl``.
value_field (str, optional): edge attributes of graph, which should exist in ``df_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
Graph of relations.
.. _DGL:
.. _PyG:
src = tensor_feat[source_field]
tgt = tensor_feat[target_field]
if form == 'dgl':
import dgl
graph = dgl.graph((src, tgt))
if value_field is not None:
if isinstance(value_field, str):
value_field = {value_field}
for k in value_field:
graph.edata[k] = tensor_feat[k]
return graph
elif form == 'pyg':
from torch_geometric.data import Data
edge_attr = tensor_feat[value_field] if value_field else None
graph = Data(edge_index=torch.stack([src, tgt]), edge_attr=edge_attr)
return graph
raise NotImplementedError(f'Graph format [{form}] has not been implemented.')
[docs] def inter_matrix(self, form='coo', value_field=None):
"""Get sparse matrix that describe interactions between user_id and item_id.
Sparse matrix has shape (user_num, item_num).
For a row of <src, tgt>, ``matrix[src, tgt] = 1`` if ``value_field`` is ``None``,
else ``matrix[src, tgt] = self.inter_feat[src, tgt]``.
form (str, optional): Sparse matrix format. Defaults to ``coo``.
value_field (str, optional): Data of sparse matrix, which should exist in ``df_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
scipy.sparse: Sparse matrix in form ``coo`` or ``csr``.
if not self.uid_field or not self.iid_field:
raise ValueError('dataset does not exist uid/iid, thus can not converted to sparse matrix.')
return self._create_sparse_matrix(self.inter_feat, self.uid_field, self.iid_field, form, value_field)
def _history_matrix(self, row, value_field=None):
"""Get dense matrix describe user/item's history interaction records.
``history_matrix[i]`` represents ``i``'s history interacted item_id.
``history_value[i]`` represents ``i``'s history interaction records' values.
``0`` if ``value_field = None``.
``history_len[i]`` represents number of ``i``'s history interaction records.
``0`` is used as padding.
row (str): ``user`` or ``item``.
value_field (str, optional): Data of matrix, which should exist in ``self.inter_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
- History matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_matrix`` described above.
- History values matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_value`` described above.
- History length matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_len`` described above.
self._check_field('uid_field', 'iid_field')
user_ids, item_ids = self.inter_feat[self.uid_field].numpy(), self.inter_feat[self.iid_field].numpy()
if value_field is None:
values = np.ones(len(self.inter_feat))
if value_field not in self.inter_feat:
raise ValueError(f'Value_field [{value_field}] should be one of `inter_feat`\'s features.')
values = self.inter_feat[value_field].numpy()
if row == 'user':
row_num, max_col_num = self.user_num, self.item_num
row_ids, col_ids = user_ids, item_ids
row_num, max_col_num = self.item_num, self.user_num
row_ids, col_ids = item_ids, user_ids
history_len = np.zeros(row_num, dtype=np.int64)
for row_id in row_ids:
history_len[row_id] += 1
col_num = np.max(history_len)
if col_num > max_col_num * 0.2:
f'Max value of {row}\'s history interaction records has reached '
f'{col_num / max_col_num * 100}% of the total.'
history_matrix = np.zeros((row_num, col_num), dtype=np.int64)
history_value = np.zeros((row_num, col_num))
history_len[:] = 0
for row_id, value, col_id in zip(row_ids, values, col_ids):
history_matrix[row_id, history_len[row_id]] = col_id
history_value[row_id, history_len[row_id]] = value
history_len[row_id] += 1
return torch.LongTensor(history_matrix), torch.FloatTensor(history_value), torch.LongTensor(history_len)
[docs] def history_item_matrix(self, value_field=None):
"""Get dense matrix describe user's history interaction records.
``history_matrix[i]`` represents user ``i``'s history interacted item_id.
``history_value[i]`` represents user ``i``'s history interaction records' values,
``0`` if ``value_field = None``.
``history_len[i]`` represents number of user ``i``'s history interaction records.
``0`` is used as padding.
value_field (str, optional): Data of matrix, which should exist in ``self.inter_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
- History matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_matrix`` described above.
- History values matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_value`` described above.
- History length matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_len`` described above.
return self._history_matrix(row='user', value_field=value_field)
[docs] def history_user_matrix(self, value_field=None):
"""Get dense matrix describe item's history interaction records.
``history_matrix[i]`` represents item ``i``'s history interacted item_id.
``history_value[i]`` represents item ``i``'s history interaction records' values,
``0`` if ``value_field = None``.
``history_len[i]`` represents number of item ``i``'s history interaction records.
``0`` is used as padding.
value_field (str, optional): Data of matrix, which should exist in ``self.inter_feat``.
Defaults to ``None``.
- History matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_matrix`` described above.
- History values matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_value`` described above.
- History length matrix (torch.Tensor): ``history_len`` described above.
return self._history_matrix(row='item', value_field=value_field)
[docs] def get_preload_weight(self, field):
"""Get preloaded weight matrix, whose rows are sorted by token ids.
``0`` is used as padding.
field (str): preloaded feature field name.
numpy.ndarray: preloaded weight matrix. See :doc:`../user_guide/config/data_settings` for details.
if field not in self._preloaded_weight:
raise ValueError(f'Field [{field}] not in preload_weight')
return self._preloaded_weight[field]
def _dataframe_to_interaction(self, data):
"""Convert :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to :class:`~recbole.data.interaction.Interaction`.
data (pandas.DataFrame): data to be converted.
:class:`~recbole.data.interaction.Interaction`: Converted data.
new_data = {}
for k in data:
value = data[k].values
ftype = self.field2type[k]
if ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN:
new_data[k] = torch.LongTensor(value)
elif ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT:
new_data[k] = torch.FloatTensor(value)
elif ftype == FeatureType.TOKEN_SEQ:
seq_data = [torch.LongTensor(d[:self.field2seqlen[k]]) for d in value]
new_data[k] = rnn_utils.pad_sequence(seq_data, batch_first=True)
elif ftype == FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ:
seq_data = [torch.FloatTensor(d[:self.field2seqlen[k]]) for d in value]
new_data[k] = rnn_utils.pad_sequence(seq_data, batch_first=True)
return Interaction(new_data)