Case study ============= Case study is an in-depth study of the performance of a specific recommendation algorithm, which will analysis the recommendation result of some users. In RecBole, we implemented :meth:`~recbole.utils.case_study.full_sort_scores` and :meth:`~recbole.utils.case_study.full_sort_topk` for case study purpose. In this section, we will present a typical usage of these two functions. Reload model ------------- First, we need to reload the recommendation model, we can use :meth:`~recbole.quick_start.quick_start.load_data_and_model` to load saved data and model. .. code:: python3 config, model, dataset, train_data, valid_data, test_data = load_data_and_model( model_file='../saved/BPR-Aug-20-2021_03-32-13.pth', ) # Here you can replace it by your model path. Convert external user id into internal user id ------------------------------------------------- Then, we need to use :meth:`` to convert external user id which we want to do case study into internal user id. .. code:: python3 uid_series = dataset.token2id(dataset.uid_field, ['196', '186']) Get scores of every user-item pairs ------------------------------------- If we want to calculate the scores of every user-item pairs for given user, we can call :meth:`~recbole.utils.case_study.full_sort_scores` function to get the scores matrix. .. code:: python3 score = full_sort_scores(uid_series, model, test_data, device=config['device']) print(score) # score of all items print(score[0, dataset.token2id(dataset.iid_field, ['242', '302'])]) # score of item ['242', '302'] for user '196'. The output will be like this: .. code:: none tensor([[ -inf, -inf, 0.1074, ..., -0.0966, -0.1217, -0.0966], [ -inf, -0.0013, -inf, ..., -0.1115, -0.1089, -0.1196]], device='cuda:0') tensor([ -inf, 0.1074], device='cuda:0') Note that the score of ``[pad]`` and history items (for non-repeatable recommendation) will be set into ``-inf``. Get the top ranked item for each user -------------------------------------- If we want to get the top ranked item for given user, we can call :meth:`~recbole.utils.case_study.full_sort_topk` function to get the scores and internal ids of these items. .. code:: python3 topk_score, topk_iid_list = full_sort_topk(uid_series, model, test_data, k=10, device=config['device']) print(topk_score) # scores of top 10 items print(topk_iid_list) # internal id of top 10 items external_item_list = dataset.id2token(dataset.iid_field, topk_iid_list.cpu()) print(external_item_list) # external tokens of top 10 items The output will be like this: .. code:: none tensor([[0.1985, 0.1947, 0.1850, 0.1849, 0.1822, 0.1770, 0.1770, 0.1765, 0.1752, 0.1744], [0.2487, 0.2379, 0.2351, 0.2311, 0.2293, 0.2239, 0.2215, 0.2156, 0.2137, 0.2114]], device='cuda:0') tensor([[ 50, 32, 158, 210, 13, 100, 201, 61, 167, 312], [102, 312, 358, 100, 32, 53, 167, 472, 162, 201]], device='cuda:0') [['100' '98' '258' '7' '222' '496' '318' '288' '216' '176'] ['174' '176' '50' '496' '98' '181' '216' '28' '172' '318']]