Source code for recbole.model.loss

# @Time   : 2020/6/26
# @Author : Shanlei Mu
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/8/7, 2021/12/22
# @Author : Shanlei Mu, Gaowei Zhang
# @Email  :,

Common Loss in recommender system

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

[docs]class BPRLoss(nn.Module): """ BPRLoss, based on Bayesian Personalized Ranking Args: - gamma(float): Small value to avoid division by zero Shape: - Pos_score: (N) - Neg_score: (N), same shape as the Pos_score - Output: scalar. Examples:: >>> loss = BPRLoss() >>> pos_score = torch.randn(3, requires_grad=True) >>> neg_score = torch.randn(3, requires_grad=True) >>> output = loss(pos_score, neg_score) >>> output.backward() """ def __init__(self, gamma=1e-10): super(BPRLoss, self).__init__() self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def forward(self, pos_score, neg_score): loss = -torch.log(self.gamma + torch.sigmoid(pos_score - neg_score)).mean() return loss
[docs]class RegLoss(nn.Module): """ RegLoss, L2 regularization on model parameters """ def __init__(self): super(RegLoss, self).__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, parameters): reg_loss = None for W in parameters: if reg_loss is None: reg_loss = W.norm(2) else: reg_loss = reg_loss + W.norm(2) return reg_loss
[docs]class EmbLoss(nn.Module): """ EmbLoss, regularization on embeddings """ def __init__(self, norm=2): super(EmbLoss, self).__init__() self.norm = norm
[docs] def forward(self, *embeddings, require_pow=False): if require_pow: emb_loss = torch.zeros(1).to(embeddings[-1].device) for embedding in embeddings: emb_loss += torch.pow(input=torch.norm(embedding, p=self.norm), exponent=self.norm) emb_loss /= embeddings[-1].shape[0] emb_loss /= self.norm return emb_loss else: emb_loss = torch.zeros(1).to(embeddings[-1].device) for embedding in embeddings: emb_loss += torch.norm(embedding, p=self.norm) emb_loss /= embeddings[-1].shape[0] return emb_loss
[docs]class EmbMarginLoss(nn.Module): """ EmbMarginLoss, regularization on embeddings """ def __init__(self, power=2): super(EmbMarginLoss, self).__init__() self.power = power
[docs] def forward(self, *embeddings): dev = embeddings[-1].device cache_one = torch.tensor(1.0).to(dev) cache_zero = torch.tensor(0.0).to(dev) emb_loss = torch.tensor(0.).to(dev) for embedding in embeddings: norm_e = torch.sum(embedding ** self.power, dim=1, keepdim=True) emb_loss += torch.sum(torch.max(norm_e - cache_one, cache_zero)) return emb_loss