# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2020/9/22 10:57
# @Author : Zihan Lin
# @Email : zhlin@ruc.edu.cn
# @File : pnn.py
Qu Y et al. "Product-based neural networks for user response prediction." in ICDM 2016
Reference code:
- https://github.com/shenweichen/DeepCTR-Torch/blob/master/deepctr_torch/models/pnn.py
- https://github.com/Atomu2014/product-nets/blob/master/python/models.py
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import xavier_normal_, constant_
from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import ContextRecommender
from recbole.model.layers import MLPLayers
[docs]class PNN(ContextRecommender):
"""PNN calculate inner and outer product of feature embedding.
You can choose the product option with the parameter of use_inner and use_outer
def __init__(self, config, dataset):
super(PNN, self).__init__(config, dataset)
# load parameters info
self.mlp_hidden_size = config['mlp_hidden_size']
self.dropout_prob = config['dropout_prob']
self.use_inner = config['use_inner']
self.use_outer = config['use_outer']
self.reg_weight = config['reg_weight']
self.num_pair = int(self.num_feature_field * (self.num_feature_field - 1) / 2)
# define layers and loss
product_out_dim = self.num_feature_field * self.embedding_size
if self.use_inner:
product_out_dim += self.num_pair
self.inner_product = InnerProductLayer(self.num_feature_field, device=self.device)
if self.use_outer:
product_out_dim += self.num_pair
self.outer_product = OuterProductLayer(self.num_feature_field, self.embedding_size, device=self.device)
size_list = [product_out_dim] + self.mlp_hidden_size
self.mlp_layers = MLPLayers(size_list, self.dropout_prob, bn=False)
self.predict_layer = nn.Linear(self.mlp_hidden_size[-1], 1)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
self.loss = nn.BCELoss()
# parameters initialization
[docs] def reg_loss(self):
"""Calculate the L2 normalization loss of model parameters.
Including weight matrices of mlp layers.
loss(torch.FloatTensor): The L2 Loss tensor. shape of [1,]
reg_loss = 0
for name, parm in self.mlp_layers.named_parameters():
if name.endswith('weight'):
reg_loss = reg_loss + self.reg_weight * parm.norm(2)
return reg_loss
def _init_weights(self, module):
if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
if module.bias is not None:
constant_(module.bias.data, 0)
[docs] def forward(self, interaction):
pnn_all_embeddings = self.concat_embed_input_fields(interaction) # [batch_size, num_field, embed_dim]
batch_size = pnn_all_embeddings.shape[0]
# linear part
linear_part = pnn_all_embeddings.view(batch_size, -1) # [batch_size,num_field*embed_dim]
output = [linear_part]
# second order part
if self.use_inner:
inner_product = self.inner_product(pnn_all_embeddings).view(batch_size, -1) # [batch_size,num_pairs]
if self.use_outer:
outer_product = self.outer_product(pnn_all_embeddings).view(batch_size, -1) # [batch_size,num_pairs]
output = torch.cat(output, dim=1) # [batch_size,d]
output = self.predict_layer(self.mlp_layers(output)) # [batch_size,1]
output = self.sigmoid(output)
return output.squeeze(-1)
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction):
label = interaction[self.LABEL]
output = self.forward(interaction)
return self.loss(output, label) + self.reg_loss()
[docs] def predict(self, interaction):
return self.forward(interaction)
[docs]class InnerProductLayer(nn.Module):
"""InnerProduct Layer used in PNN that compute the element-wise
product or inner product between feature vectors.
def __init__(self, num_feature_field, device):
num_feature_field(int) :number of feature fields.
device(torch.device) : device object of the model.
super(InnerProductLayer, self).__init__()
self.num_feature_field = num_feature_field
[docs] def forward(self, feat_emb):
feat_emb(torch.FloatTensor) :3D tensor with shape: [batch_size,num_pairs,embedding_size].
inner_product(torch.FloatTensor): The inner product of input tensor. shape of [batch_size, num_pairs]
# num_pairs = num_feature_field * (num_feature_field-1) / 2
row = []
col = []
for i in range(self.num_feature_field - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, self.num_feature_field):
p = feat_emb[:, row] # [batch_size, num_pairs, emb_dim]
q = feat_emb[:, col] # [batch_size, num_pairs, emb_dim]
inner_product = p * q
return inner_product.sum(dim=-1) # [batch_size, num_pairs]
[docs]class OuterProductLayer(nn.Module):
"""OuterProduct Layer used in PNN. This implementation is
adapted from code that the author of the paper published on https://github.com/Atomu2014/product-nets.
def __init__(self, num_feature_field, embedding_size, device):
num_feature_field(int) :number of feature fields.
embedding_size(int) :number of embedding size.
device(torch.device) : device object of the model.
super(OuterProductLayer, self).__init__()
self.num_feature_field = num_feature_field
num_pairs = int(num_feature_field * (num_feature_field - 1) / 2)
embed_size = embedding_size
self.kernel = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(embed_size, num_pairs, embed_size), requires_grad=True)
[docs] def forward(self, feat_emb):
feat_emb(torch.FloatTensor) :3D tensor with shape: [batch_size,num_pairs,embedding_size].
outer_product(torch.FloatTensor): The outer product of input tensor. shape of [batch_size, num_pairs]
row = []
col = []
for i in range(self.num_feature_field - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, self.num_feature_field):
p = feat_emb[:, row] # [batch_size, num_pairs, emb_dim]
q = feat_emb[:, col] # [batch_size, num_pairs, emb_dim]
# -------------------------
p.unsqueeze_(dim=1) # [batch_size, 1, num_pairs, emb_dim]
p = torch.mul(p, self.kernel.unsqueeze(0)) # [batch_size,emb_dim,num_pairs,emb_dim]
p = torch.sum(p, dim=-1) # [batch_size,emb_dim,num_pairs]
p = torch.transpose(p, 2, 1) # [batch_size,num_pairs,emb_dim]
outer_product = p * q
return outer_product.sum(dim=-1) # [batch_size,num_pairs]