Parameter Tuning ===================== RecBole is featured in the capability of automatic parameter (or hyper-parameter) tuning. RecBole introduces Hyperopt and Ray for parameter tuning. One can readily optimize a given model according to the provided hyper-parameter spaces. The general steps are given as follows: To begin with Hyperopt, the user has to claim a :class:`~recbole.trainer.hyper_tuning.HyperTuning` instance in the running python file (e.g., ``): .. code:: python from recbole.trainer import HyperTuning from recbole.quick_start import objective_function hp = HyperTuning(objective_function=objective_function, algo='exhaustive', early_stop=10, max_evals=100, params_file='model.hyper', fixed_config_file_list=['example.yaml']) :attr:`objective_function` is the optimization objective, the input of :attr:`objective_function` is the parameter, and the output is the optimal result of these parameters. The users can design this :attr:`objective_function` according to their own requirements. The user can also use an encapsulated :attr:`objective_function`, that is: .. code:: python def objective_function(config_dict=None, config_file_list=None): config = Config(config_dict=config_dict, config_file_list=config_file_list) init_seed(config['seed']) dataset = create_dataset(config) train_data, valid_data, test_data = data_preparation(config, dataset) model_name = config['model'] model = get_model(model_name)(config, train_data._dataset).to(config['device']) trainer = get_trainer(config['MODEL_TYPE'], config['model'])(config, model) best_valid_score, best_valid_result =, valid_data, verbose=False) test_result = trainer.evaluate(test_data) return { 'model': model_name, 'best_valid_score': best_valid_score, 'valid_score_bigger': config['valid_metric_bigger'], 'best_valid_result': best_valid_result, 'test_result': test_result } :attr:`algo` is the optimization algorithm. RecBole support three tunning methods: 'exhaustive': grid search, in this case, 'max_evals' is auto set; 'random': random search, in this case, 'max_evals' needs to be set manually; 'bayes': Bayesian HyperOpt, in this case, 'max_evals' needs to be set manually. In addition, we also support user-defined tunning method. .. code:: python # Grid Search hp1 = HyperTuning(algo='exhaustive') # Random Search hp2 = HyperTuning(algo='random') # Bayesian HyperOpt hp3 = HyperTuning(algo='bayes') # User-Defined Search hp4 = HyperTuning(algo=your_function) :attr:`params_file` is the ranges of the parameters, which is exampled as (e.g., `model.hyper`): .. code:: none learning_rate loguniform -8,0 embedding_size choice [64,96,128] mlp_hidden_size choice ['[64,64,64]','[128,128]'] Each line represents a parameter and the corresponding search range. There are three components: parameter name, range type, range. :class:`~recbole.trainer.hyper_tuning.HyperTuning` supports four range types, the details are as follows: +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | range type  |    range           |    discription | +================+=================================+==================================================================+ | choice | options(list) | search in options | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | uniform | low(int),high(int) | search in uniform distribution: (low,high) | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | loguniform | low(int),high(int) | search in uniform distribution: exp(uniform(low,high)) | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | quniform | low(int),high(int),q(int) | search in uniform distribution: round(uniform(low,high)/q)*q | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ It should be noted that if the parameters are list and the range type is choice, then the inner list should be quoted, e.g., :attr:`mlp_hidden_size` in `model.hyper`. .. _hyperopt: :attr:`fixed_config_file_list` is the fixed parameters, e.g., dataset related parameters and evaluation parameters. These parameters should be aligned with the format in :attr:`config_file_list`. See details as :doc:`../config_settings`. Calling method of HyperTuning like: .. code:: python from recbole.trainer import HyperTuning from recbole.quick_start import objective_function hp = HyperTuning(objective_function=objective_function, algo='exhaustive', early_stop=10, max_evals=100, params_file='model.hyper', fixed_config_file_list=['example.yaml']) # run # export result to the file hp.export_result(output_file='hyper_example.result') # print best parameters print('best params: ', hp.best_params) # print best result print('best result: ') print(hp.params2result[hp.params2str(hp.best_params)]) Run like: .. code:: bash python --config_files=[config_files] --params_file=[params_file] --output_file=[output_file] --tool=Hyperopt :attr:`config_files` is the config files containing fixed parameters, :attr:`params_file` is the file containing fixed parameters,:attr:`output_file` is the output file containing the results, :attr:`tool` decides whether to use H or R should be selected in :attr:`['Hyperopt','Ray']` ,which can be controlled by the command line or the yaml configuration files. For example: .. code:: yaml dataset: ml-100k model: BPR A simple example is to search the :attr:`learning_rate` and :attr:`embedding_size` in BPR, that is, .. code:: bash running_parameters: {'embedding_size': 128, 'learning_rate': 0.005} current best valid score: 0.3795 current best valid result: {'recall@10': 0.2008, 'mrr@10': 0.3795, 'ndcg@10': 0.2151, 'hit@10': 0.7306, 'precision@10': 0.1466} current test result: {'recall@10': 0.2186, 'mrr@10': 0.4388, 'ndcg@10': 0.2591, 'hit@10': 0.7381, 'precision@10': 0.1784} ... best params: {'embedding_size': 64, 'learning_rate': 0.001} best result: { 'best_valid_result': {'recall@10': 0.2169, 'mrr@10': 0.4005, 'ndcg@10': 0.235, 'hit@10': 0.7582, 'precision@10': 0.1598} 'test_result': {'recall@10': 0.2368, 'mrr@10': 0.4519, 'ndcg@10': 0.2768, 'hit@10': 0.7614, 'precision@10': 0.1901} } After running, we will also generate an HTML file, which contains a line chart to show the process of hyper parameter search. .. image:: ../../asset/hyper_tuning.png :width: 700 :align: center To begin with ray, the user has to initialize ray in the running pyhton file(e.g., ``): .. code:: python import ray ray.init() Similar to Hyperopt, ray also requires :attr:`objective_function` as optimization target. For the details of the :attr:`objective_function`, please refer to the introduction in Hyperopt above. :attr:`Schedulers` is optimization algorithms which can early terminate bad trials, pause trials, clone trials, and alter hyperparameters of a running trial. All Trial Schedulers take in a metric, which is a value returned in the result dict of your Trainable and is maximized or minimized according to mode. .. code:: python from ray.tune.schedulers import ASHAScheduler scheduler = ASHAScheduler( metric="recall@10", mode="max", max_t=100, grace_period=1, reduction_factor=2) ... , scheduler=asha_scheduler) Calling :attr:`` for analyzing result like: .. code:: python from ray import tune result = tune.with_parameters(objective_function, config_file_list=config_file_list), config=config, num_samples=5, log_to_file=args.output_file, scheduler=scheduler, local_dir=local_dir, resources_per_trial={ "gpu": 1 } ) best_trial = result.get_best_trial("recall@10", "max", "last") print("best params: ",best_trial.config) print("best result: ",best_trial.last_result) To leverage GPUs, you must set :attr:`gpu` in :attr:`resources_per_trial`. This will automatically set :attr:`CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` for each trial. Run like: .. code:: bash python --config_files=[config_files] --output_file=[output_file] --tool=Ray Note that when using Ray to tune parameters, the working directory will become the ``local_dir`` which is set in ````, so you need to set the absolute path of the dataset in the config file. For example: .. code:: yaml dataset: ml-100k model: BPR data_path: /home/user/RecBole/dataset A simple example is to search the :attr:`learning_rate` and :attr:`embedding_size` in BPR, that is, .. code:: bash == Status == Current time: 2022-07-23 22:33:19 (running for 00:02:12.90) Memory usage on this node: 19.5/125.8 GiB Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=0 Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: None | Iter 1.000: None Resources requested: 5.0/40 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/77.29 GiB heap, 0.0/37.12 GiB objects (0.0/1.0 accelerator_type:K40) Result logdir: /home/wangzhenlei/wanglei/dev-bole/RecBole/ray_log/objective_function_2022-07-23_22-31-06 Number of trials: 5/5 (5 RUNNING) +--------------------------------+----------+----------------------+------------------+-----------------+ | Trial name | status | loc | embedding_size | learning_rate | |--------------------------------+----------+----------------------+------------------+-----------------| | objective_function_16400_00000 | RUNNING | ***.***.***.**:21392 | 8 | 0.0542264 | | objective_function_16400_00001 | RUNNING | ***.***.***.**:21443 | 8 | 0.00055313 | | objective_function_16400_00002 | RUNNING | ***.***.***.**:21446 | 8 | 0.000639818 | | objective_function_16400_00003 | RUNNING | ***.***.***.**:21448 | 8 | 0.00456223 | | objective_function_16400_00004 | RUNNING | ***.***.***.**:21449 | 8 | 0.00265045 | +--------------------------------+----------+----------------------+------------------+-----------------+ ... 2022-07-23 22:35:22,868 INFO -- Total run time: 256.58 seconds (256.42 seconds for the tuning loop). best params: {'embedding_size': 8, 'learning_rate': 0.004562228847261371} best result: {'recall@10': 0.2148, 'mrr@10': 0.4161, 'ndcg@10': 0.2489, 'hit@10': 0.7444, 'precision@10': 0.1761, 'time_this_iter_s': 227.5052626132965, 'done': True, 'timesteps_total': None, 'episodes_total': None, 'training_iteration': 1, 'trial_id': '16400_00003', 'experiment_id': '3864900644e743d5b75c67a2e904183a', 'date': '2022-07-23_22-34-59', 'timestamp': 1658586899, 'time_total_s': 227.5052626132965, 'pid': 21448, 'hostname': 'aibox-94', 'node_ip': '', 'config': {'embedding_size': 8, 'learning_rate': 0.004562228847261371}, 'time_since_restore': 227.5052626132965, 'timesteps_since_restore': 0, 'iterations_since_restore': 1, 'warmup_time': 0.004939079284667969, 'experiment_tag': '3_embedding_size=8,learning_rate=0.0046'} Users can use ray distributed tuning by changing :attr:`ray.init` as follows: .. code:: python import ray ray.init(address='auto') For details, please refer to Ray's official website .