Random =========== Introduction --------------------- When discussing recommendation systems, accuracy is often regarded as the most crucial metric. However, besides accuracy, several other key metrics can evaluate the effectiveness of a recommendation system, such as diversity, coverage, and efficiency. In this context, the random recommendation algorithm is a valuable baseline. In terms of implementation, for a given user and item, the random recommendation algorithm provides a random rating. Running with RecBole **A Running Example:** Write the following code to a python file, such as `run.py` .. code:: python from recbole.quick_start import run_recbole run_recbole(model='Random', dataset='ml-100k') And then: .. code:: bash python run.py If you want to change parameters, dataset or evaluation settings, take a look at - :doc:`../../../user_guide/config_settings` - :doc:`../../../user_guide/data_intro` - :doc:`../../../user_guide/train_eval_intro` - :doc:`../../../user_guide/usage`