Data Module Introduction ========================= RecBole not only implements lots of popular recommender models, but also collects and releases 43 commonly-used publiced datasets. You can freely download these datasets following our docs :doc:`data/dataset_download`. For extensibility and reusability, Recbole has a flexible and extensible data module. Our data module designs an elegant data flow that transforms raw data into the model input. Detailed as :doc:`data/data_flow`. In order to characterize most forms of the input data required by different recommendation tasks, RecBole designs an input data format called :doc:`data/atomic_files`. All the input data should be converted into `Atomic Files` format. Besides, we design a data structure called :doc:`data/interaction` to provides a unified internal data representation for different recommendation algorithms. Plus, RecBole supports both explicit feedback (labeled data) scenes and implicit feedback (unlabeled data) scenes. For explicit feedback scenes, users can set the `LABEL_FIELD` in the config and RecBole will train and test model based on the label. For implicit feedback scenes, RecBole will regard all the observed interactions as positive samples and automatically select the negative samples from the unobserved interactions (which is known as negative sampling). For more information about label setting in RecBole, please read :doc:`data/label_of_data`. Here are the related docs for data module: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 data/dataset_download data/data_flow data/atomic_files data/interaction data/label_of_data