# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2020/9/21
# @Author : Zhichao Feng
# @Email : fzcbupt@gmail.com
# @Time : 2020/10/21
# @Author : Zhichao Feng
# @email : fzcbupt@gmail.com
Guorui Zhou et al. "Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction" in ACM SIGKDD 2018
Reference code:
- https://github.com/zhougr1993/DeepInterestNetwork/tree/master/din
- https://github.com/shenweichen/DeepCTR-Torch/tree/master/deepctr_torch/models
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import xavier_normal_, constant_
from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import SequentialRecommender
from recbole.model.layers import MLPLayers, SequenceAttLayer, ContextSeqEmbLayer
from recbole.utils import InputType, FeatureType
[docs]class DIN(SequentialRecommender):
"""Deep Interest Network utilizes the attention mechanism to get the weight of each user's behavior according
to the target items, and finally gets the user representation.
In the official source code, unlike the paper, user features and context features are not input into DNN.
We just migrated and changed the official source code.
But You can get user features embedding from user_feat_list.
Besides, in order to compare with other models, we use AUC instead of GAUC to evaluate the model.
input_type = InputType.POINTWISE
def __init__(self, config, dataset):
super(DIN, self).__init__(config, dataset)
# get field names and parameter value from config
self.LABEL_FIELD = config["LABEL_FIELD"]
self.embedding_size = config["embedding_size"]
self.mlp_hidden_size = config["mlp_hidden_size"]
self.device = config["device"]
self.pooling_mode = config["pooling_mode"]
self.dropout_prob = config["dropout_prob"]
self.types = ["user", "item"]
self.user_feat = dataset.get_user_feature()
self.item_feat = dataset.get_item_feature()
# init MLP layers
# self.dnn_list = [(3 * self.num_feature_field['item'] + self.num_feature_field['user'])
# * self.embedding_size] + self.mlp_hidden_size
num_item_feature = sum(
if dataset.field2type[field]
not in [FeatureType.FLOAT_SEQ, FeatureType.FLOAT]
or field in config["numerical_features"]
else 0
for field in self.item_feat.interaction.keys()
self.dnn_list = [
3 * num_item_feature * self.embedding_size
] + self.mlp_hidden_size
self.att_list = [
4 * num_item_feature * self.embedding_size
] + self.mlp_hidden_size
mask_mat = (
torch.arange(self.max_seq_length).to(self.device).view(1, -1)
) # init mask
self.attention = SequenceAttLayer(
self.dnn_mlp_layers = MLPLayers(
self.dnn_list, activation="Dice", dropout=self.dropout_prob, bn=True
self.embedding_layer = ContextSeqEmbLayer(
dataset, self.embedding_size, self.pooling_mode, self.device
self.dnn_predict_layers = nn.Linear(self.mlp_hidden_size[-1], 1)
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
# parameters initialization
self.other_parameter_name = ["embedding_layer"]
def _init_weights(self, module):
if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
if module.bias is not None:
constant_(module.bias.data, 0)
[docs] def forward(self, user, item_seq, item_seq_len, next_items):
max_length = item_seq.shape[1]
# concatenate the history item seq with the target item to get embedding together
item_seq_next_item = torch.cat((item_seq, next_items.unsqueeze(1)), dim=-1)
sparse_embedding, dense_embedding = self.embedding_layer(
user, item_seq_next_item
# concat the sparse embedding and float embedding
feature_table = {}
for type in self.types:
feature_table[type] = []
if sparse_embedding[type] is not None:
if dense_embedding[type] is not None:
feature_table[type] = torch.cat(feature_table[type], dim=-2)
table_shape = feature_table[type].shape
feat_num, embedding_size = table_shape[-2], table_shape[-1]
feature_table[type] = feature_table[type].view(
table_shape[:-2] + (feat_num * embedding_size,)
user_feat_list = feature_table["user"]
item_feat_list, target_item_feat_emb = feature_table["item"].split(
[max_length, 1], dim=1
target_item_feat_emb = target_item_feat_emb.squeeze(1)
# attention
user_emb = self.attention(target_item_feat_emb, item_feat_list, item_seq_len)
user_emb = user_emb.squeeze(1)
# input the DNN to get the prediction score
din_in = torch.cat(
[user_emb, target_item_feat_emb, user_emb * target_item_feat_emb], dim=-1
din_out = self.dnn_mlp_layers(din_in)
preds = self.dnn_predict_layers(din_out)
return preds.squeeze(1)
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction):
label = interaction[self.LABEL_FIELD]
item_seq = interaction[self.ITEM_SEQ]
user = interaction[self.USER_ID]
item_seq_len = interaction[self.ITEM_SEQ_LEN]
next_items = interaction[self.POS_ITEM_ID]
output = self.forward(user, item_seq, item_seq_len, next_items)
loss = self.loss(output, label)
return loss
[docs] def predict(self, interaction):
item_seq = interaction[self.ITEM_SEQ]
user = interaction[self.USER_ID]
item_seq_len = interaction[self.ITEM_SEQ_LEN]
next_items = interaction[self.POS_ITEM_ID]
scores = self.sigmoid(self.forward(user, item_seq, item_seq_len, next_items))
return scores