Source code for recbole.model.general_recommender.nncf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time   : 2021/1/14
# @Author : Chengyuan Li
# @Email  :

    Ting Bai et al. "A Neural Collaborative Filtering Model with Interaction-based Neighborhood." in CIKM 2017.

Reference code:


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import normal_

from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import GeneralRecommender
from recbole.model.layers import MLPLayers
from recbole.utils import InputType
from recbole.model.general_recommender.itemknn import ComputeSimilarity

import numpy as np

[docs]class NNCF(GeneralRecommender): r"""NNCF is an neural network enhanced matrix factorization model which also captures neighborhood information. We implement the NNCF model with three ways to process neighborhood information. """ input_type = InputType.POINTWISE def __init__(self, config, dataset): super(NNCF, self).__init__(config, dataset) # load dataset info self.LABEL = config["LABEL_FIELD"] self.interaction_matrix = dataset.inter_matrix(form="coo").astype(np.float32) # load parameters info self.ui_embedding_size = config["ui_embedding_size"] self.neigh_embedding_size = config["neigh_embedding_size"] self.num_conv_kernel = config["num_conv_kernel"] self.conv_kernel_size = config["conv_kernel_size"] self.pool_kernel_size = config["pool_kernel_size"] self.mlp_hidden_size = config["mlp_hidden_size"] self.neigh_num = config["neigh_num"] self.neigh_info_method = config["neigh_info_method"] self.resolution = config["resolution"] # define layers and loss self.user_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.n_users, self.ui_embedding_size) self.item_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.n_items, self.ui_embedding_size) self.user_neigh_embedding = nn.Embedding( self.n_items, self.neigh_embedding_size ) self.item_neigh_embedding = nn.Embedding( self.n_users, self.neigh_embedding_size ) self.user_conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d( self.neigh_embedding_size, self.num_conv_kernel, self.conv_kernel_size ), nn.MaxPool1d(self.pool_kernel_size), nn.ReLU(), ) self.item_conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d( self.neigh_embedding_size, self.num_conv_kernel, self.conv_kernel_size ), nn.MaxPool1d(self.pool_kernel_size), nn.ReLU(), ) conved_size = self.neigh_num - (self.conv_kernel_size - 1) pooled_size = ( conved_size - (self.pool_kernel_size - 1) - 1 ) // self.pool_kernel_size + 1 self.mlp_layers = MLPLayers( [2 * pooled_size * self.num_conv_kernel + self.ui_embedding_size] + self.mlp_hidden_size, config["dropout"], ) self.out_layer = nn.Linear(self.mlp_hidden_size[-1], 1) self.dropout_layer = torch.nn.Dropout(p=config["dropout"]) self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # choose the method to use neighborhood information if self.neigh_info_method == "random": self.u_neigh, self.i_neigh = self.get_neigh_random() elif self.neigh_info_method == "knn": self.u_neigh, self.i_neigh = self.get_neigh_knn() elif self.neigh_info_method == "louvain": self.u_neigh, self.i_neigh = self.get_neigh_louvain() else: raise RuntimeError( "You need to choose the right algorithm of processing neighborhood information. \ The parameter neigh_info_method can be set to random, knn or louvain." ) # parameters initialization self.apply(self._init_weights) def _init_weights(self, module): if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): normal_(, mean=0.0, std=0.01) # Unify embedding length
[docs] def Max_ner(self, lst, max_ner): r"""Unify embedding length of neighborhood information for efficiency consideration. Truncate the list if the length is larger than max_ner. Otherwise, pad it with 0. Args: lst (list): The input list contains node's neighbors. max_ner (int): The number of neighbors we choose for each node. Returns: list: The list of a node's community neighbors. """ for i in range(len(lst)): if len(lst[i]) >= max_ner: lst[i] = lst[i][:max_ner] else: length = len(lst[i]) for _ in range(max_ner - length): lst[i].append(0) return lst
# Find other nodes in the same community
[docs] def get_community_member(self, partition, community_dict, node, kind): r"""Find other nodes in the same community. e.g. If the node starts with letter "i", the other nodes start with letter "i" in the same community dict group are its community neighbors. Args: partition (dict): The input dict that contains the community each node belongs. community_dict (dict): The input dict that shows the nodes each community contains. node (int): The id of the input node. kind (char): The type of the input node. Returns: list: The list of a node's community neighbors. """ comm = community_dict[partition[node]] return [x for x in comm if x.startswith(kind)]
# Prepare neiborhood embeddings, i.e. I(u) and U(i)
[docs] def prepare_vector_element(self, partition, relation, community_dict): r"""Find the community neighbors of each node, i.e. I(u) and U(i). Then reset the id of nodes. Args: partition (dict): The input dict that contains the community each node belongs. relation (list): The input list that contains the relationships of users and items. community_dict (dict): The input dict that shows the nodes each community contains. Returns: list: The list of nodes' community neighbors. """ item2user_neighbor_lst = [[] for _ in range(self.n_items)] user2item_neighbor_lst = [[] for _ in range(self.n_users)] for r in range(len(relation)): user, item = relation[r][0], relation[r][1] item2user_neighbor = self.get_community_member( partition, community_dict, user, "u" ) np.random.shuffle(item2user_neighbor) user2item_neighbor = self.get_community_member( partition, community_dict, item, "i" ) np.random.shuffle(user2item_neighbor) _, user = user.split("_", 1) user = int(user) _, item = item.split("_", 1) item = int(item) for i in range(len(item2user_neighbor)): name, index = item2user_neighbor[i].split("_", 1) item2user_neighbor[i] = int(index) for i in range(len(user2item_neighbor)): name, index = user2item_neighbor[i].split("_", 1) user2item_neighbor[i] = int(index) item2user_neighbor_lst[item] = item2user_neighbor user2item_neighbor_lst[user] = user2item_neighbor return user2item_neighbor_lst, item2user_neighbor_lst
# Get neighborhood embeddings using louvain method
[docs] def get_neigh_louvain(self): r"""Get neighborhood information using louvain algorithm. First, change the id of node, for example, the id of user node "1" will be set to "u_1" in order to use louvain algorithm. Second, use louvain algorithm to seperate nodes into different communities. Finally, find the community neighbors of each node with the same type and reset the id of the nodes. Returns: torch.IntTensor: The neighborhood nodes of a batch of user or item, shape: [batch_size, neigh_num] """ inter_M = self.interaction_matrix pairs = list(zip(inter_M.row, inter_M.col)) tmp_relation = [] for i in range(len(pairs)): tmp_relation.append( ["user_" + str(pairs[i][0]), "item_" + str(pairs[i][1])] ) import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(tmp_relation) resolution = self.resolution import community partition = community.best_partition(G, resolution=resolution) community_dict = {} community_dict.setdefault(0, []) for i in range(len(partition.values())): community_dict[i] = [] for node, part in partition.items(): community_dict[part] = community_dict[part] + [node] tmp_user2item, tmp_item2user = self.prepare_vector_element( partition, tmp_relation, community_dict ) u_neigh = self.Max_ner(tmp_user2item, self.neigh_num) i_neigh = self.Max_ner(tmp_item2user, self.neigh_num) u_neigh = torch.tensor(u_neigh, device=self.device) i_neigh = torch.tensor(i_neigh, device=self.device) return u_neigh, i_neigh
# Get neighborhood embeddings using knn method
[docs] def get_neigh_knn(self): r"""Get neighborhood information using knn algorithm. Find direct neighbors of each node, if the number of direct neighbors is less than neigh_num, add other similar neighbors using knn algorithm. Otherwise, select random top k direct neighbors, k equals to the number of neighbors. Returns: torch.IntTensor: The neighborhood nodes of a batch of user or item, shape: [batch_size, neigh_num] """ inter_M = self.interaction_matrix pairs = list(zip(inter_M.row, inter_M.col)) ui_inters = np.zeros((self.n_users, self.n_items), dtype=np.int8) for i in range(len(pairs)): ui_inters[pairs[i][0], pairs[i][1]] = 1 # Get similar neighbors using knn algorithm user_knn, _ = ComputeSimilarity( self.interaction_matrix.tocsr(), topk=self.neigh_num ).compute_similarity("user") item_knn, _ = ComputeSimilarity( self.interaction_matrix.tocsr(), topk=self.neigh_num ).compute_similarity("item") u_neigh, i_neigh = [], [] for u in range(self.n_users): neigh_list = ui_inters[u].nonzero()[0] direct_neigh_num = len(neigh_list) if len(neigh_list) == 0: u_neigh.append(self.neigh_num * [0]) elif direct_neigh_num < self.neigh_num: tmp_k = self.neigh_num - direct_neigh_num mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=1) neigh_list = list(neigh_list) + list(item_knn[neigh_list[mask[0]]]) u_neigh.append(neigh_list[: self.neigh_num]) else: mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=self.neigh_num) u_neigh.append(neigh_list[mask]) for i in range(self.n_items): neigh_list = ui_inters[:, i].nonzero()[0] direct_neigh_num = len(neigh_list) if len(neigh_list) == 0: i_neigh.append(self.neigh_num * [0]) elif direct_neigh_num < self.neigh_num: tmp_k = self.neigh_num - direct_neigh_num mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=1) neigh_list = list(neigh_list) + list(user_knn[neigh_list[mask[0]]]) i_neigh.append(neigh_list[: self.neigh_num]) else: mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=self.neigh_num) i_neigh.append(neigh_list[mask]) u_neigh = torch.tensor(u_neigh, device=self.device) i_neigh = torch.tensor(i_neigh, device=self.device) return u_neigh, i_neigh
# Get neighborhood embeddings using random method
[docs] def get_neigh_random(self): r"""Get neighborhood information using random algorithm. Select random top k direct neighbors, k equals to the number of neighbors. Returns: torch.IntTensor: The neighborhood nodes of a batch of user or item, shape: [batch_size, neigh_num] """ inter_M = self.interaction_matrix pairs = list(zip(inter_M.row, inter_M.col)) ui_inters = np.zeros((self.n_users, self.n_items), dtype=np.int8) for i in range(len(pairs)): ui_inters[pairs[i][0], pairs[i][1]] = 1 u_neigh, i_neigh = [], [] for u in range(self.n_users): neigh_list = ui_inters[u].nonzero()[0] if len(neigh_list) == 0: u_neigh.append(self.neigh_num * [0]) else: mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=self.neigh_num) u_neigh.append(neigh_list[mask]) for i in range(self.n_items): neigh_list = ui_inters[:, i].nonzero()[0] if len(neigh_list) == 0: i_neigh.append(self.neigh_num * [0]) else: mask = np.random.randint(0, len(neigh_list), size=self.neigh_num) i_neigh.append(neigh_list[mask]) u_neigh = torch.tensor(np.array(u_neigh), device=self.device) i_neigh = torch.tensor(np.array(i_neigh), device=self.device) return u_neigh, i_neigh
# Get neighborhood embeddings
[docs] def get_neigh_info(self, user, item): r"""Get a batch of neighborhood embedding tensor according to input id. Args: user (torch.LongTensor): The input tensor that contains user's id, shape: [batch_size, ] item (torch.LongTensor): The input tensor that contains item's id, shape: [batch_size, ] Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The neighborhood embedding tensor of a batch of user, shape: [batch_size, neigh_embedding_size] torch.FloatTensor: The neighborhood embedding tensor of a batch of item, shape: [batch_size, neigh_embedding_size] """ batch_u_neigh = self.u_neigh[user] batch_i_neigh = self.i_neigh[item] return batch_u_neigh, batch_i_neigh
[docs] def forward(self, user, item): user_embedding = self.user_embedding(user) item_embedding = self.item_embedding(item) user_neigh_input, item_neigh_input = self.get_neigh_info(user, item) user_neigh_embedding = self.user_neigh_embedding(user_neigh_input) item_neigh_embedding = self.item_neigh_embedding(item_neigh_input) user_neigh_embedding = user_neigh_embedding.permute(0, 2, 1) user_neigh_conv_embedding = self.user_conv(user_neigh_embedding) # batch_size * out_channel * pool_size batch_size = user_neigh_conv_embedding.size(0) user_neigh_conv_embedding = user_neigh_conv_embedding.view(batch_size, -1) item_neigh_embedding = item_neigh_embedding.permute(0, 2, 1) item_neigh_conv_embedding = self.item_conv(item_neigh_embedding) # batch_size * out_channel * pool_size item_neigh_conv_embedding = item_neigh_conv_embedding.view(batch_size, -1) mf_vec = torch.mul(user_embedding, item_embedding) last = (mf_vec, user_neigh_conv_embedding, item_neigh_conv_embedding), dim=-1 ) output = self.mlp_layers(last) out = self.out_layer(output) out = out.squeeze(-1) return out
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction): user = interaction[self.USER_ID] item = interaction[self.ITEM_ID] label = interaction[self.LABEL] output = self.forward(user, item) return self.loss(output, label)
[docs] def predict(self, interaction): user = interaction[self.USER_ID] item = interaction[self.ITEM_ID] return torch.sigmoid(self.forward(user, item))