Source code for recbole.model.general_recommender.itemknn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time   : 2020/8/18
# @Author : Zihan Lin
# @Email  :

    Aiolli,F et al. Efficient top-n recommendation for very large scale binary rated datasets.
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 273-280). ACM.

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch

from recbole.model.abstract_recommender import GeneralRecommender
from recbole.utils import InputType, ModelType

[docs]class ComputeSimilarity: def __init__(self, dataMatrix, topk=100, shrink=0, normalize=True): r"""Computes the cosine similarity of dataMatrix If it is computed on :math:`URM=|users| \times |items|`, pass the URM. If it is computed on :math:`ICM=|items| \times |features|`, pass the ICM transposed. Args: dataMatrix (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): The sparse data matrix. topk (int) : The k value in KNN. shrink (int) : hyper-parameter in calculate cosine distance. normalize (bool): If True divide the dot product by the product of the norms. """ super(ComputeSimilarity, self).__init__() self.shrink = shrink self.normalize = normalize self.n_rows, self.n_columns = dataMatrix.shape self.TopK = min(topk, self.n_columns) self.dataMatrix = dataMatrix.copy()
[docs] def compute_similarity(self, method, block_size=100): r"""Compute the similarity for the given dataset Args: method (str) : Caculate the similarity of users if method is 'user', otherwise, calculate the similarity of items. block_size (int): divide matrix to :math:`n\_rows \div block\_size` to calculate cosine_distance if method is 'user', otherwise, divide matrix to :math:`n\_columns \div block\_size`. Returns: list: The similar nodes, if method is 'user', the shape is [number of users, neigh_num], else, the shape is [number of items, neigh_num]. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: sparse matrix W, if method is 'user', the shape is [self.n_rows, self.n_rows], else, the shape is [self.n_columns, self.n_columns]. """ values = [] rows = [] cols = [] neigh = [] self.dataMatrix = self.dataMatrix.astype(np.float32) # Compute sum of squared values to be used in normalization if method == "user": sumOfSquared = np.array(self.dataMatrix.power(2).sum(axis=1)).ravel() end_local = self.n_rows elif method == "item": sumOfSquared = np.array(self.dataMatrix.power(2).sum(axis=0)).ravel() end_local = self.n_columns else: raise NotImplementedError("Make sure 'method' in ['user', 'item']!") sumOfSquared = np.sqrt(sumOfSquared) start_block = 0 # Compute all similarities using vectorization while start_block < end_local: end_block = min(start_block + block_size, end_local) this_block_size = end_block - start_block # All data points for a given user or item if method == "user": data = self.dataMatrix[start_block:end_block, :] else: data = self.dataMatrix[:, start_block:end_block] data = data.toarray() # Compute similarities if method == "user": this_block_weights = else: this_block_weights = for index_in_block in range(this_block_size): this_line_weights = this_block_weights[:, index_in_block] Index = index_in_block + start_block this_line_weights[Index] = 0.0 # Apply normalization and shrinkage, ensure denominator != 0 if self.normalize: denominator = ( sumOfSquared[Index] * sumOfSquared + self.shrink + 1e-6 ) this_line_weights = np.multiply(this_line_weights, 1 / denominator) elif self.shrink != 0: this_line_weights = this_line_weights / self.shrink # Sort indices and select TopK # Sorting is done in three steps. Faster then plain np.argsort for higher number of users or items # - Partition the data to extract the set of relevant users or items # - Sort only the relevant users or items # - Get the original index relevant_partition = (-this_line_weights).argpartition(self.TopK - 1)[ 0 : self.TopK ] relevant_partition_sorting = np.argsort( -this_line_weights[relevant_partition] ) top_k_idx = relevant_partition[relevant_partition_sorting] neigh.append(top_k_idx) # Incrementally build sparse matrix, do not add zeros notZerosMask = this_line_weights[top_k_idx] != 0.0 numNotZeros = np.sum(notZerosMask) values.extend(this_line_weights[top_k_idx][notZerosMask]) if method == "user": rows.extend(np.ones(numNotZeros) * Index) cols.extend(top_k_idx[notZerosMask]) else: rows.extend(top_k_idx[notZerosMask]) cols.extend(np.ones(numNotZeros) * Index) start_block += block_size # End while if method == "user": W_sparse = sp.csr_matrix( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(self.n_rows, self.n_rows), dtype=np.float32, ) else: W_sparse = sp.csr_matrix( (values, (rows, cols)), shape=(self.n_columns, self.n_columns), dtype=np.float32, ) return neigh, W_sparse.tocsc()
[docs]class ItemKNN(GeneralRecommender): r"""ItemKNN is a basic model that compute item similarity with the interaction matrix.""" input_type = InputType.POINTWISE type = ModelType.TRADITIONAL def __init__(self, config, dataset): super(ItemKNN, self).__init__(config, dataset) # load parameters info self.k = config["k"] self.shrink = config["shrink"] if "shrink" in config else 0.0 self.interaction_matrix = dataset.inter_matrix(form="csr").astype(np.float32) shape = self.interaction_matrix.shape assert self.n_users == shape[0] and self.n_items == shape[1] _, self.w = ComputeSimilarity( self.interaction_matrix, topk=self.k, shrink=self.shrink ).compute_similarity("item") self.pred_mat = self.fake_loss = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) self.other_parameter_name = ["w", "pred_mat"]
[docs] def forward(self, user, item): pass
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, interaction): return torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1))
[docs] def predict(self, interaction): user = interaction[self.USER_ID] item = interaction[self.ITEM_ID] user = user.cpu().numpy().astype(int) item = item.cpu().numpy().astype(int) result = [] for index in range(len(user)): uid = user[index] iid = item[index] score = self.pred_mat[uid, iid] result.append(score) result = torch.from_numpy(np.array(result)).to(self.device) return result
[docs] def full_sort_predict(self, interaction): user = interaction[self.USER_ID] user = user.cpu().numpy() score = self.pred_mat[user, :].toarray().flatten() result = torch.from_numpy(score).to(self.device) return result